First impressions

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You woke up on the floor next to your bed, your head still ringing from the fall.
"ARES!! Wake up breakfast is ready!! I've been calling you for the past ten minutes!"
You grunt, getting up off the floor and walking to the door opening it to an impatient Jin.
"I'm up I'm up, geez Jin"
He looks up at you, his expression softens.
"Alright than get ready, Namjoon says that since you love running around in the woods so much, that you can head out on patrol with Jungkook and Tae."
Your eyes widen and you smile ear to ear.
"REALLY, oh my god!"
You start jumping up and down, closing the door behind you and running to you closet getting changed while doing your morning routine.This is the first time that Namjoon has ever allowed you to go on patrol.You usually remain at the house and played with the kids.
-1 hour later-
"Tae!" You leaped forward onto him watching how he lit up when you arrived.
"ArESSS!" He said grinning ear to ear. You stood up and whipped your head around when you heard a chuckle from behind.
"Jungkook!!" You screamed as he lifted you off the ground into a hug.
"Ares, Oh My GOD look how you've grown!!" He said with pure excitement in his eyes.
"Yeah guess it's been a while.."
We spent some time catching up with each other and slowly drifted into the woods, Changing into your wolf forms and sprinting along side the outline of our territory, scanning yet having a blast at the same time as adventure soared in your eyes and the wind blew threw your well groomed fur. It wasn't long before you, tae and Jungkook lost track of time a started to race to finish up the patrol.
"Try to catch me!" You said sticking your tongue out at them from up front. You than bolt forward, not looking behind, the sense of rush leaving you restless. You closed your eyes feeling as the winter wind hit your face, not hearing the barking and shouting from behind, not noticing that you shut off your mind link. You opened your eyes startled at the unfamiliar surroundings and tumbled yourself over to the soft untouched ground. Glancing all around you, trying to find tae and Jungkook.
"GUYS?!" Fear struck you realizing that you ran past the boarded and was now standing in another's territory.
*The's so..FLUFFY!!*
My wolf screeched at the sight of fresh snow on the ground, looking as if no one had touched it in a century until you came tumbling about. You sighed at her comment.
*nows not the time Erie*
*Comooon Ares, It's not that bad we can just follow the sent back.*
*good point.* you said while glancing at your surroundings once more. Now that you got a good look at it, it's not that bad matter of fact, it's beautiful. The trees had frozen popsicles that hung down below them and in the sunlight it sparkled and refracted many different colors.It was as if a rainbow had appeared and scattered.
*Lets play!*
*b-but Namjoon and the others..*
*thats our future selfs problem..not our problem* she giggle
You couldn't resist it any longer. You jumped into the soft mountain of snow that lay underneath the trees, admiring the shining crystal-like ice that hung below the tree. You and your wolf were having a blast, Synchronizing in every movement as you finally agreed with her and let her out to play. You were enjoying this agreement until you heard footstep crush snow near you. You paused, terrified as your imagination went wild and your heart sank.
A/n-oOooh suspense *heheeee*

Eros: The werewolf Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now