Thus there was Him..

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-Jimin Pov-
Her fur white, groomed, and fluffy. Shimmered different colors next to the crystal-like tree. Her smell sent electrical comforts as she gave a mysterious distant air of authority that seem to want to engulf me whole, into her existence. Her eyes, Oh how beautiful they were, seem to taunt both me and my wolf, as if daring us to take another step. They glowed a silvery violet, a perfect blend. I could see myself in those playfully mysterious yet powerful eyes. She had an appearance and body of an underdeveloped wolf but her presence could make anyone kneel without a doubt. She seemed to not notice me as she played about, without a care in the world. That is until my paw let out a sound I knew I would regret immediately. she froze, her once mystical, calm eyes were now stone cold with fear as they looked around, searching. My wolf let out a growl, overcoming my revolt against him.
*Stop! You'll scare her!!*
My intuition was right. As soon as we approached from the shrubs, her whimpers left my wolf defenseless. That's when I took over, we laid down on the thick snow. Gotta seem small, gotta be small. We repeat in our mind. Thank god the others aren't here, I'm an Alpha for gods sake! But she's worth it. My ears buckled down, making my appearance seem puppy-like. Her whimpers stopped and curiosity made its way to her eyes. Slowly she shuffled towards me, as small as a pup to me. Surprised as she yanked on my ear and pulled away, wagging her tail. Does she want to play? Alright than, let's play. She bolts to the tree trying to move herself through the thick layers of snow as she made way, her speed impressed me despite her size. I followed, having an easier time than her only to look behind the tree and find nothing. My wolf stiffened, only remaining calm due to her smell while I had a full blown panic attack. No no no no is she gone? Did I lose her..Again!?. My heart felt heavy at the thought of it, both me and my wolf becoming depressed from the loss we were facing. That was until I felt a shock of electricity that came from straight underneath me which gave us quite a shock if I do say so myself, I didn't even realize something as simple as this could scare me so much, I mean I'm an Alpha.

Soon her luscious white fur popped out from under me. Happy as can be, not realizing the minor-heart attack I had just had. She seems to feel a bond with me..but why has her wolf not recognized me as her mate yet? Is it because she is a bit underdeveloped? Why IS she underdeveloped is my question, did her pack not feed her enough?. So many questions ran through my mind, getting worse each passing minute. My wolf growling, scratching at every bad thought that ran through mind. Until she snapped me out of my thoughts by jumpier into a pile of fresh snow that was near by, stopping only to look over at me. Indirectly telling me to come along and play, which I happily obliged. The bond that we felt during this fun session in the snow pulled us closer. I was happily playing in the snow, my mind filled with thoughts of her. Not really noticing she was no longer by my side until I sensed her movement, turning to find out that she was out of the pile. Her expression seemed pained as if she was being scolded. Mind link? Is her pack calling her back? Oh no That can't happen, I just found her, she's-.
My wolf yelled out in desperation as he leaped out from the pile of snow as if it was nothing just as she was walking away. His steps out passing her small ones as he now stood in front of her. She stepped back, a bit surprised by my sudden action. Left, right, and left again. Each move she made I countered. You can't leave, mate! I don't even know your name!. She let out a whimper cause my wolf and I to back up a bit. Damn she already knows my weakness. Than she Bolted, as fast as lightning, her reflexes prevented any interference. My wolf pacing just trying to keep up with her, we both stopped just as she was at the border between packs. I was only a couple meters away, she looked back and despite my countless barks and howls she proceeds into the white unknown, without me.

After a long argue and much convincing, I calm my wolf and head back to headquarters. Pack members giving respect to their alpha as I arrive. J-Hope is immediately by my side, looking anxiously at me for an explanation on why the "rogue" isn't here in a jail cell.
"She isn't a rogue..shes my mate and your Luna."
He stops his pursuit and stands their, mouth wide open as he processes my announcement. I smirk, closing the door to my office behind me. My mate crossed over to Namjoon's pack, she must have stumbled off since our borders are near one another. Namjoon wouldn't mistreat anyone from his pack though..why is her wolf underdeveloped than? Unless..The phone rings, interrupting my thoughts as I settle in my chair.
"Hello? This is Alpha jimin from the Blood Moon pack."
"Jimin! Hey, haven't talked to you in a while."
"Hyung! Omg hi, How have you been? The pack doing okay?"
"Yeeah yeeah it's going great, hey listen thank you for breaking protocol for once and sparing a beloved member of my pack."
"Oh..Yeah, no problem Hyung.."
"Anyways it was nice talkin-"
"Huh?...What!? I-I got to go jimin-
They are calling me-
My wolf was going nuts inside my mind leaving  me in a blur of emotions. Why the hell am I like this? Ares..I feel like I know that name. The urge was in resistible. I bolted out the door, confronting j-Hope to announce my visitor to the Silver moon pack, the sense of a distant bond pulling me like strings towards my destination.

Eros: The werewolf Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now