Motel California

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Warning: This may trigger some readers. If you ever need help, reach out to someone you trust. It always gets better.

Beneath my eyelids, an explosion of light awoke me. Peeling them open, I saw a smiling Lydia with her phone in her hand. I felt a weight on top of my head and instantly knew what was going on. "What?", she laughed as she walked away, "it was cute". I rolled my eyes before moving my hand to tap Stiles yet it was firmly gripped in his. "Hey, Stiles", I said, "wake up". He didn't stir, seriously how deep does this guy sleep. With nothing else to think of, I jerked my head up, making his eyes whip open. "Wha-Y/N?", he said, clearing his throat. "Hello, sleepy head", I laughed. Pink formed around his ears and cheeks as he looked down at our hands. "Guys come on, we've gotta get good rooms", Scott shouted, poking his head back into the bus. "Coming", I replied before standing up. 

Once we grabbed our luggage, we made our way outside. Our faces dropped at the sight in front of us. A large sign was illuminated in the night, it read; 'Glen Capri'. Sighing I turned to Stiles, "I've seen worse". As we walked forwards to the rest of the group he replied, "where have you seen worse?". Shaking my head with a light laugh, we rejoined Lydia and the rest. Blowing his whistle for the 1000th time tonight the not-so-responsible adult spoke, "listen up, we're going to the meet tomorrow and this place was the closest we could find, with the most residency. You'll be paring up, chose wisely". Holding his hand up, many red keys were between his fingers. Everyone walked past and grabbed a key from him. "And I'll have no sexual perversions from you, little deviants, you got that?", Coach shouted, "keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves". This man is one crazy weirdo. Now that everyone had a room, it left me, Lydia and Allison. I walked forward, bag swinging on my shoulder. "Hey, Lyds you coming", I heard Allison say. Turning around I saw the redhead frozen in her spot. "I don't like this place", she whispered. "I don't think the people who own this place, like this place", I light heartedly laughed. "At least it's just for the night", Allison said with a smile. Without moving, Lydia was still unsure. "A lot can happen in one night".

*queue title sequence*

"Could this place get any creepier?", I whined as we all stepped through the door, entering our room

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"Could this place get any creepier?", I whined as we all stepped through the door, entering our room. "Nope I'm pretty sure it's already exceeded all its creepiness, Y/N", Allison said, plopping herself onto the end of one of the beds. Throwing my bag to the ground, I sighed. "At least it's an escape from the madness of beacon hills". "Yeah", the brunette laughed. I noticed her turn to Lydia, who still seemed frozen. "Are you sure you're okay?", I asked her. Slowly, she nodded, "something just feels off". To that last comment, I didn't know how to reply, mostly because she was right. "Anyway, I don't know about you but I'm hungry. So, I'm gonna go see if they have a vending machine or something. Want anything?", I asked, trying to lighten the mood. Both girls shook their heads. "'ll be back soon then". At that, I grabbed some money and made my way down the stairs.

I reached the top of the steps when the sound of glass smashing filled my ears. My shoes tip-tapped on the stone as i cautiously followed the noise. Abruptly, I walked straight into someone and insatntly threw them to the ground, a strangled grunt coming from them. "Stiles!", I breathed a sigh of relief, "You scared me half to death!". "Oh my god, Y/N, I'm so sorry", he said flustered, "are you- are you gonna g-get off me now?". A wave of heat appeared in my face. "Y-yeah, sorry, just thought you were someone dangerous. I heard glass smashing", I said as I awkwardly got off him and offered him my hand. "Yeah, well, that was Boyd. He seemed a", Stiles said, taking my and getting to his feet. "You know Lydia said she didn't like this place, said it felt weird", I said, rounding the corner to the stairs.
"Why would she think that?".
"Stiles, I don't know, I'm not telepathic".
"Haha, I'm serious, something is really wrong about this place".
"I know, I feel it too".
Our conversation took us to the landing, making us nervous to leave each other. Almost like a light switch, my reassured feeling changed. "Stiles, this place, I don't like it. I'm...scared. My senses are going crazy. Lydia and Allison might get hurt. Scott, Issac, you. I-i don't want to g-go, i dont want to leave you alone", my words poured like a waterfall and tears threatened to spill over my eyes. I felt an urge inside of me, an endless twisting. "Y/N, it's ok. I'll stay with you. Lydia and Allison have each other. Scott and Issac are strong, they'll be fine. We all will be fine", he replied before pulling me into a hug, "come on, we better get back to Scotty". With shaky hands, we went back to join the werewolf. I had no idea what had come over me.

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