Letharia Vulpina

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After the run-in with Stiles, who really wasn't Stiles, i made my way outside to meet up with Scott and Derek. A free flying electrical wire was dancing around wildly, shocking anyone who stepped into the water it had just charged. Stepping back, before my feet could enter the liquid, i saw Kira untouched by anything. "What is she doing?", asked Scott. "I don't know", i replied, watching the scene in front of me. Grabbing the wire, she put her hand over the top of the sparks, absorbing the power. Flooding into an orange, her eyes glowed bright.

*queue title sequence*

"The thing is", Kira explained to Scott and I as we walked down the halls, "in all the stories Kitsunes are tricksters, mischievous

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"The thing is", Kira explained to Scott and I as we walked down the halls, "in all the stories Kitsunes are tricksters, mischievous. They don't really get caught up between right and wrong".
"What does that mean?", Scott asked, "thats it's doing it for the fun of it". Kira shook her head, "i found something else out, if you offend a Nogitsune it can react really badly".
"How do you offend a Nogitsune?", i asked, eyebrows furrowed. "I don't know", she shrugged, "but if it's doing something this bad, then someone really, really offended it".


I was finishing up for gym class when the sound of a pulsating whistle entered my ears. One of Argents emitters. Confused, i followed the sound, which led me to the basement. Opening the door, jogging down the steps, i bumped into Scott and the twins. "Wait, you can hear them too?", Aiden asked, pointing a finger at me. "No, i just happened to magically appear in the schools basement for no reason", i snapped sarcastically. Rolling his eyes, we continued to follow the whistles. Leading us to the boiler room, a person who had left without a trace stood there. "Stiles?", i asked, not believing my vision. Stepping from the darkness, he waved the emitter around as he spoke, "look, i know what you're thinking but it's me, okay". Ignoring him, the twins charged at him. Aiden grabbed him by the throat and held him up against the wall. "Hey!", i shouted, using my strength to rip his arm off of Stiles. Taking his place, Ethan went to grab Stiles but Scott stopped him and threw him to the floor, showing his alpha side. Turning to the twins, Scott conversed with them yet i paid no attention. All my focus was trained on the boy in front of me. "Stiles?", i whispered. "It's me, i swear it's me", he replied, taking my hands. Lips curving into a smile, i pulled him into a hug, closing my eyes to savour the moment. Wrapping his arms around me, he held on tight as if this was the last ever time he would hold me. "Ahem", Aiden said, a non-subtle way of clearing his throat. Breaking apart, i still held onto Stiles' hand. Scott stepped forwards, "Stiles, where have you been the last two days?". Stiles shook his head, "i don't know, i can't remember anything".
"Not even what happened at the hospital?", quizzed Ethan. "No, nothing", replied Stiles, "but i do have this". With his free hand, he grabbed a large bag and threw it on the floor, the sound of metal against metal. Eyes wide, i stared at the bag, "what on earth have you been doing?".

Emptying the contents out onto a table, my fingers brushed against a folded piece of paper. Opening it up, i layed it on the wood. "It's a map", i stated. Placing his finger on a red line, drawn by Stiles, Scott spoke, "it's the hiking trail where Mr Tate put all the traps". Stiles looked up, face filled with panic.

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