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"I'm fine, Melissa, seriously", i said, trying to leave the door yet she blocked my way. "Ah, ah, ah you completely and totally have a concussion, Y/N, Kitsune or not", she replied, hands on my shoulders, "the doctors aren't letting you leave without a CT scan".
"Well, I'm healing, just takes a little longer. I'm fine", i moved forwards again but she still insisted on me staying.
"No, no, no. Meredith's at the station, Sheriff Stilinksi said it's going to take some time but he's gonna get her to talk".
I sighed, my eyes falling to the floor.
"Even if i let you go, what would you do?", she asked, my gaze snapping upwards.
"I would help", i replied. A smile formed on her lips, "i know you would but right now, i need you to lay down". Taking the hint, i sat on the hospital bed, satisfying the nurse. "Melissa", i said, making her stop and turn around. "Yeah", she answered, ponytail swishing.
"Can i ask you a small favour?".


There was a light tap on the door, the small favour i requested stepping inside. "Hey", Stiles said, a light smile on his lips. "Hi", i said getting up, "you okay?".
"Me? I'm fine, you're the one with the concussion".
"Well, technically I'm healed now but Melissa insisted on me staying".
He chuckled slightly, "I'm sorry". I furrowed my brows, stepping closer to him, "what for? You've done nothing wrong".
"I just feel like i could have stopped Brunski, at least helped in some way, but I'm not like you or Scott... I'm just me. I'm not a hero". Unsure of where all this was coming from, i placed my hands either side of his face, his finding their way to my waist, "Stiles, you may think you're not a hero, that you can't do anything to help but what you're forgetting is that you have saved lives countless amounts of times. You're my hero and i love you". Leaning his head into my palm, a cute smile illuminated his face, "i love you, too, so much". Bringing his face closer to mine, we embraced tenderly in a sweet, romantic kiss. Smiling into it, he pulled me closer as my fingers held onto his soft skin, never wanting this moment to end.

*queue title sequence*

*queue title sequence*

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*The next day*

Pulling the sleves of my hoodie down so my hands were engulfed, i listened closely at the same mixtape Brunski had played the other night. Leaning forwards, Stiles turned it up, crossing his arms on his desk.

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