More Bad than Good

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Stiles and i waited in the darkness for Scott. "Do you think he left us?", i asked, arms folded. "No, well, at least i hope he didn't", Stiles replied. Sighing, i nodded before sitting on a fallen down tree stump. Joining me, we conversed. "So, Y/N, that night when i went under the water, what i said i really did mean it", he spoke, fumbling with his hands. "Stiles...", i trailed off with a slight smile. "I know you feel the same so, i'm going to just ask this and ask this quickly", he said, meeting my eyes, " wanna be my-". "Yes!", i exclaimed happily. "You don't even know what i was going to say", he laughed. "I don't need to". Smiling he leaned forward, inches away from my face. Closing my eyes, i awaited the soft sensation. A rustling came from behind us, but i brushed it off as the wind. Abruptly, hands landed on my shoulder, making me scream and pull back. Taking the unknown person's shoulder, i threw them to the ground in a swift motion. "Scott?", i said as light shone onto his face, "what the hell?". Stiles jumped up, "you couldn't have waited at least a couple of minutes?". Showing a sheepish smile, he looked back and forth between Stiles and I as he stood up. "I found Malia", he spoke.

*queue title sequence*

Leaves and twigs crunched underfoot as we walked through the woods

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Leaves and twigs crunched underfoot as we walked through the woods. Leading upfront was Stiles, torch in hand. He made us trail up a small hill, taking us to a small rock structure. "It's a coyote den", he stated before crawling inside. Grabbing a blue item, he gripped it in his hand. "This is Malia's", he said, "remember, it's the same one she was waring in the photo". Breathing through my nose, i scanned the area. "We shouldn't be in here", Scott said. "He's right, our scents gonna be everywhere, she won't come back", i said. "Well, where is she gonna go?", Stiles questioned. "I dont know", i answered. "Can you track her now, Scott?". "Maybe", the wolf looked down, "but it's better when i'm transformed and i'm worried that if i do, i won't turn back". Stiles sighed, mumbling something under his breath. "If i can't get to Derek then we're gonna need someone else to help", Scott spoke. "Well, this is a crime scene right?", i asked. "Yeah, i think it'd be a little out of my bosses league", Scott answered. "But more my Dads", Stiles said, eyes squinted.


An array of blue and red lit up the dark night. "Are you sure it's her?", Sheriff Stilinksi asked. "I looked her right in the eyes and they glowed just like mine", Scott replied. "It makes sense, dad", Stiles added. "But it wasn't a girl. It was a four legged coyote, right?", the sheriff raised his brows. "Well, yes but thats the part we don't have figured out yet", i said, moving my hands about. "But if it was a full moon, and she was changing while her mom was driving anything could have happened", Scott told him. "Yes, terrible things: ripping, tearing, shredding things", Stiles counted on his fingers. "Which is what probably caused the accident", i said. "Think about it, dad, alright", Stiles insisted, "they're driving, Malia starts to change, she goes out of control, the mom crashes and everybody dies". Scott turned his head, "except for her". "Then she blames herself and goes of running", i said, trying to help explain. "Then she gets trapped in the body of a coyote", Stiles added, finalising the speech. "Well that makes sense", the Sheriff said. We all sighed in relief, a smile on our faces. "In a Japanese folk tale!", he shouted. "Well, Y/N is apart of one and she's real", Stiles sassed, eyebrows raised as he pointed at me. Confused the adult sighed, "guys, this is... this is insane. I need this kept quiet, okay. No one can hear about this". I nodded, looking to my two friends. Scotts face seemed frozen in fear, staring at nothing. Listening in to his heartbeat, i noticed it was off the charts. "Scott?", i asked softly, earing the attention from the Sheriff and his son. No reply. "Scott?", i said louder, tapping his arm. Snapping from his stupor, he blinked a few times. "Sorry", he whispered. Glancing off once more he returned his attention to the Sheriff. "What did you say?", he asked. The sound of a sirens wail echoed my skull. "Oh hell", the older Stilinksi muttered. Turning around, Mr McCall and Mr Tate came over to us. Handing over a blanket, Mr Tate frowned. "It's hers", he spoke, gripping the item in his hands.

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