Smoke & Mirrors [part one]

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"Here try that", Stiles said, tossing me a jacket. I put it under my nose and inhaled deeply before shrugging, "fabric softener". Stopping his actions of raiding through Scott's closet, he faced me before dashing off into the bathroom. Following behind, I saw him pull out blue checked fabric, a sorry-look on his face as he held it out to me. "Remember Scott's life is on the line", he said, shaking it as he spoke. I rolled my eyes and stepped to Scott's bed before picking up a pillow, the scent perfectly strong. "Yeah, that works too", Stiles said, throwing the underwear back into the basket.

Jogging down stairs, pillowcase swinging in my hand, Liam was sitting on the dining table, jumping up when he saw us. "Liam, go home, you're not coming with us", Stiles ordered, walking past him. "Why not?", the beta questioned.
"Because it's a full moon and I don't feel like driving all the way to Mexico to have you rip my throat out".
"You can lock me up right? Chain me down to the back seat or something".
I looked over to Stiles uneasily, before shaking my head at Liam, "you tore through the last chains, remember?".
"Yeah, I'd have to freeze you in carbonite to get you down there", Stiles said sarcastically.
"Okay, then where do we get carbonite?", Liam asked, completely oblivious.
I sighed, putting my hand to my head, "seriously?".
Stiles was now clasping his hands, and squinting his eyes, "you haven't seen anything?". After a long pause of silence, Stiles sighed and began making his way to the door.
"Wait", Liam stepped forwards, "what if you put me in the trunk?".
"You'd get out of that too", I said, shrugging slightly.
"Liam, you've been a werewolf all of 5 minutes, you don't have to do this", Stiles spoke.
"I know, I don't, but I want to. There's gotta be bigger chains, a bigger trunk. There has to be", Liam pleaded. Stiles eyes fell into deep thinking, he had an idea.
"Maybe there is".

*queue title sequence*

We hopped out the jeep as two black SUVs pulled up, Braeden jumping out with Derek

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We hopped out the jeep as two black SUVs pulled up, Braeden jumping out with Derek.
"I'm amazed you could actually get this", Stiles marvelled, walking up to the vans.
"I'm a US Marshal", she replied with a blank expression.
"I thought that was just a cover".
She stared at him with an eyebrow raised, her face unamused, Stiles standing with his hands clasped.
"You're really bringing him", Derek pointed to Liam.
"You're really bringing him", I remarked, motioning to the infamous Peter Hale.
"I just want to help", he held his hands up, "especially since Scott and Kira were taken the night before a full moon".
"What's that supposed to mean?", Malia spoke, making us all turning to her direction as she walked through the doors. No one questioned her appearance.
"She took Scott back to the same temple as Derek", Peter folded his arms, "how do we know she's not gonna do the same thing to him?".
"Why would she want to make Scott younger?", Liam questioned, looking between Stiles and I.
"She might want to take him back to when he became a werewolf", Derek informed, "you can't steal a true Alpha's power but maybe with her being a were-jaguar and the power she has... maybe she can".

Stiles scratched his chin, myself sighing while everyone else had wide eyes.
"Now", Peter announced, "we should probably get going, before Derek freaks you out anymore".
"We can't", I said, them raising their brows at me, "not without Lydia".

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