Reading "002"

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' "Hey! Nico! Open up!!' Nico woke up to a loud voice outside of the door. He was slightly hung-over, but it wasn't bad. The pounding and loud yelling from outside the door, however, wasn't helping.

After a second of realization, he realized the voice outside the door. Then after a few more seconds, he realized he was naked. Lastly, after another few seconds, he realized the demigod next to him was Percy, and he was also naked.

He didn't do this, he couldn't have cheated on Will. He wasn't a cheater, he loved Will. How could he do this? Will was nothing but perfect to him, and he cheated on him. He had to focus through the panic. "One second, Will, I'll be right out,"

Nico tensed up. So this is seriously happening? In front of Will? His and Percy's story of how they got together was going to literally be read in front of his entire friend group. Wow. Just when you think the gods were going to leave you alone. This happens.

' Nico bounced out of bed, frantically searching for his underwear, then once they were found, he slid them on, then he gathered all of Percy's clothes and threw them in his closet. He felt dirty. He felt like a whore. A filthy, cheating, whore. He felt that way even more as he felt pain in every step he took, he literally couldn't walk straight.'

Athena read, clearly not able to see how uncomfortable all the demigods were with this. Of course, Hazel didn't exactly like hearing about her brother's sex life, or anyone's sex life for that matter. Leo found this more humorous than anything. The son of Hephaestus had no shame in showing the emotion.

"Percy," He said, shaking his body awake. Percy slowly opened his eyes, looked at the almost naked Nico and looked as if he was about to freak out. Nico covered his mouth before pointing to the door, mouthing the word 'Will' and pointing to the closet.

"Nico I--" Percy began, but Nico put his index finger up to silence him.

"I know we need to talk about this, but just get in the closet for a second, please?" Nico begged.

"Pffft," Percy laughed, "I was already in there for most of my life, Nico, why did you want me to go back?"

Nico choked on his own spit while a few others (Annabeth, Leo, and Jason) started laughing. He'd never admit it, but Will was struggling to keep a straight face.

Percy saw the pleading look in his eye and agreed. Nico went to grab the door, but Percy grabbed his arm. "Neeks, you have--" He was having a problem wording the sentence. "--something on your neck," He said finally and walked in the closet, closing it behind him.

Nico's cheeks became heated and his hand subconsciously raised half-way to his neck -- the same spot the 'something' had been in.

In all honesty, Percy felt horrible for three things.

One of the things was how he cheated on Annabeth. Annabeth was nothing but supportive of him in everything he did, and how did he repay her? The second thing was how he helped Nico cheat on Will. Percy knew Nico was happy with Will, yet they slept together.

While those things were bad and made Percy feel horrible, what made him feel the worst, was how much he had enjoyed it, how much he loved marking Nico's pale skin, how he loved the feeling of him, the scent of him, the tired him afterward. He had only known Nico for this tough short guy with an even shorter temper, last night, he was a Nico Percy had never seen before, and he loved it. Though, he hated how he loved it.

"Percy!" Nico squeaked, face becoming even redder by the minute. Percy tried to laugh away the awkwardness of this situation, but he stopped immediately when he saw Will's expression.

Gods and Demigods read "Expecting; Percico" (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now