Reading "Prologue"

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The intro is probably gonna suck. Trust me, I wanna just start writing the actual reading parts. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

The Olympians were in the throne room. They had been called to a meeting -- but not by Zeus. They began to argue about who had brought them all there. They were all calming down when a slip of paper fell down from the high ceiling, catching the attention of one of the goddesses.

"What's this?" Athena said, snatching it from the air.

"Looks like a note of some kind..."

"Read it aloud, Athena,"

Said goddess cleared her throat before she read it.

"Dear Olympians, it's me, Chaos. I thought it would an interesting experience for you and some of your children to read about a certain couple. The demigods should be arriving shortly, and the book a little bit later. Have a nice time, and remember, DON'T kill anyone. Yours truly, Chaos,"

The Olympians looked around at each other before a flash in front of them drew their eyes. After the light faded, there were two groups. One had seven, and the other had two. As the groups looked at each other, the tension in the air grew thick. The first group was Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, and Will Solace. The other group was Percy Jackson and Nico Di Angelo. You could almost see the power behind Will's glare.

Hazel seemed to be the first one to notice where they were.

"Umm, guys? Where are we?" She asked before looking up at the Olympians and gasping loudly, which caused her to blush.

"You know about as much as we do," boomed a voice. It was Zeus. He seemed upset to not have the answers or to actually have to listen for once. When Chaos tells you to do something, usually you should listen.

Percy just sighed. He had it up to his neck with the gods. When is he not? Nico squeezed Percy's hand, trying to lighten Percy's mood.

Percy exhaled slowly and squeezed Nico's hand back.

A circle of twenty-one bean bags appeared between the demigods and the Hearth -- the perfect amount for the nine demigods and twelve gods and goddesses. In the middle of the circle was a book.

"Cool," Leo says, walking up to grab the book. As soon as he notices what it is he turns to Annabeth. "Unless it's in ancient Greek, someone else better read this."

The son of Hephaestus sits down on the bean bag chair, holding the book in the air lazily. No one moves forward to read it because no one is going to volunteer to read something that will mess with their heads. Thank you, dyslexia.

Athena decides to snag the book away from Leo. Gods and Goddesses didn't really 'read' per se, it wasn't important to read about things when they were actually there when it happened, however, if there was anyone who could read it, it would be Athena. She had once spent a good few centuries as a Librarian back when people actually went there for books, not the free technology.

A note appeared on top of the book, falling to the floor before Athena picked it up and read it out,

" I would suggest skipping chapter one and chapter nineteen unless you went this to be extremely awkward. You will be able to guess what I'm talking about when you get to the chapters around those two I mentioned. Your favorite dude/gal, Chaos"

After a few seconds of silence, Athena clears her throat and gestures for everyone to sit. As soon as everyone is comfortable, she sits as well. She looks around and tries to memorize the seating arrangement. It went Percy, with Nico to his right, then Annabeth, Will, Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Leo, and lastly the Olympians.

"Let's get to this!" Leo said excitedly, rubbing his hands cause of his extra energy.

Athena opens the book. "Prologue," she begins

' "We still on for drinks?" Percy asks as he and Nico walk out of the training room.

"Why wouldn't we be?" Nico asks in response.

"I don't know, a gigantic plan came up that deemed a little more important than getting drunk off our asses and talking about our shitty lives," The son of Poseidon laughed, wiping his forehead with a towel. '

"Shitty lives?" Annabeth mumbled to herself.

Nico smiled up at Percy, causing Percy to wrap his arm around Nico's shoulders.

' "Nothing could be more important," Nico smiled, walking away from the green-eyed boy.

That decision. That one decision that changed their lives forever. '

Nico blushed as memories flooded his mind.

Percy squeezed Nico's shoulders against his chest, almost sneering when he saw the glare coming from Will.

"Um..," Frank spoke, interrupting the tense silence, "Let's move on to chapter two, to follow Chaos orders,"

Athen smiled at him before she flipped the pages to the second chapter.

Gods and Demigods read "Expecting; Percico" (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now