10 The Only Hope for Me is You

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No one had slept despite Show Pony's begging. Usually this would call for a bet between Cherri Cola and Dr. Death Defying to see who passed out from exhaustion first. This time, Show Pony had given up trying to get them to rest and now focused on reconnecting the radio to contact Dr. Death Defying.

Outside where the tool shed was where they found Ghoul sitting at the workbench. They guessed he had been trying to fix Pansy. Though he must've stopped hours ago.

Show Pony opened their mouth to say something, Ghoul raised a hand to stop him.
"I was going to ask if you were done with the pliers?" They said. Ghoul silently handed him the pliers and quickly turned away again. Not before Show Pony saw he'd been crying. Taking the hint though, they walked out.

Jet Star's way of coping was to go around cleaning everything. He preferred it to thinking. His hand went straight to his gun holster when Show Pony came in.
Some minimal gestures of hello were expressed and Show Pony went to work on the radio.

Rain started to fall again. Party Poison  kicked a bucket over to the leaky spot in the roof to catch the water and went back to his journaling. He had tried drawing to take his mind off things but found it reminded him of the girl too much. So he just sat there mostly making random pen strokes on the page.
Any other time the rain would've been a welcomed occasion. But this would mean they'd have to wait longer as not to get the tires clogged with sand.

"Dr. Death Defying?" Show Pony almost yelled into the microphone as the radio line opened.
"Show Pony! I'm online." He replied through the static. "I'm on my way back. We have a lot to discuss, can't do it over radio. See you then."

Something had shifted. A constant drip drummed into his head. 'Does this mean? We made it?'
He jolted awake.

Kobra Kid lay on one of the bunks. To his relief he was back in the diner. He looked around and noticed his shirt had been removed and his stomach was bandaged. Poison was asleep across the room sitting on the one chair they had there.
'"The Drac fight." He mumbled to himself.
He tried to sit up. Only the pain from his wounds was enough to make him throw up and nearly fall off the bunk. In this commotion Poison heard the racket and woke up. Running over just in time to save Kobra falling onto the floor.

"Shit man." He said to his brother with the slightest hint of a smile. With that he was already hugging him.
"How long's it been?" Kobra asked within the embrace.
"Only two days I think." Poison finally let him go. "Feels like eleven years though."
"At least we all got back."
"Oh God. You don't know." Poison didn't want to spoil the mood. "They took her."
Kobra's spirits instantly smashed to smithereens.
"Shit. They have Motorbaby?" He was in disbelief. "Is she still alive?" His jaw was quivering.
"We hope so." Poison replied. "As soon as we can we're going in to get her. We just have to wait until it stops raining."

Kobra leaned back and just sat in silence for a while.
"Come on you must be starving." Poison clasped his shoulder. "I made you a new shirt. Your old one was kinda ruined." He handed him a singlet not too dissimilar to his old yellow shirt. It was dark yellow with the same black tiger stripes.
"Oh, and your other stuff is other there." He pointed to a box in the corner. Kobra took his jacket and boots out and went out of the room.

The moment he stepped into the main room. Jet was hugging him.
"Thank fucking Destroya." He said. "You're ok."
"Hey Jet." Kobra mumbled in reply. "You're choking me."
"Oh right sorry." He released his grip.

"Where's Ghoul?"
"He's in the tool shed." Jet replied. "I wouldn't expect much from him though. He hasn't been great since we got back."
"I'm going to see him." Kobra grabbed an extra coffee and walked out.

He walked as quickly as possible through the rain. Trying not to spill the coffee. He burst through the door of the shed just as Ghoul was about to throw another screwdriver at the wall. Kobra grabbed his wrist before he could throw anything. Ghoul fought against his grip. Trying to hurl the screwdriver to all the other tools that left dents in the wall.
Kobra managed to pry it out of Ghoul's hand. He almost looked like he was going to punch him in the the face. But he threw his hands around Kobra instead. He sympathized and did the same back.
"Fuck!" He let out a muffled scream into his shoulder. "I miss her so much." He said. "Everyone else seems to be able to handle it. I can't seem to calm the fuck down and be logical. I want to get her back. I don't care if I die in the process. I need to see her again! God fucking dammit Kobra."
"Ghoul." Kobra said. "Ghoul, sit down. I brought you coffee. Talk to me."

"Thanks for this." Ghoul said after about an hour. "I missed you." A smile appearing on his face for the first time in three days.
"Do you want me to help you fix Pansy?"
"I've been trying for days. It's a lost cause. Maybe I'll try again once we get Babyjoy back."

The sound of a car pulling up caused curiosity for Kobra and Ghoul. They peered over to take a look.
"Hey! Dr. D's back!" They went inside.

"Death Defying!" Poison exclaimed as the infamous radio host drove his motorized wheelchair into the diner.
Kobra and Ghoul followed soon after.

"I'm afraid we don't have time for grand reunions right now children. Sit down we have a lot to talk about."
Slightly surprised by this revelation. They found places to sit around the room.

"Cherri went offline not long after you left. I assume he chased the Dracs back to Battery city. We don't know his whereabouts or whether he's still alive." He said. Worried silence ensued. "As for the girl, Jennifer. Better Living know something we don't about her. We need to get her out of the city."
"We're getting her back." Poison immediately said in response.
"Steady on Crash Queen." Dr. Death told him. "She'll be in the middle of the city, in BLI Headquarters. The chances of getting out alive are second to none."
"So what!?" Ghoul said. "It's Babyjoy we're talking about and I'd do anything so she could be safe."
"Ghoul you're 15." Show Pony noted.
"She's 5 fucking years old."
"Guys!" Jet stopped the tension.
"Raise your hand if you're willing to do this." Poison said in the silence. "If you're not then we'llgo without you."
Ghoul's hand shot up almost immediately. Followed by Jet, Kobra and Show Pony. Soon all hands were raised.
"So it's settled." Poison said quietly.

"So the plan." Dr. Death Defying began. "You four will go in to get her. Your car can go faster and getting in should be easy. Me, Show Pony and Hot Chimp will go in the van to look for Cherri and we'll come get you half an hour after you get into the Headquarters. The van has more protection."

After careful consideration, Poison spoke.
"We'll have to abandon the TransAm won't we?" Dr. Death nodded.
"The car is nothing compared to the girl."
"Yeah." Poison agreed. "We'll have to strip it of anything we can be tracked through."
"We need the radio though." Kobra added. He was right.
"We'll just set it up so we can shut it off before we leave the car in Batt city." Ghoul said, solving the problem.

"Are we ready?" Show Pony aled the room. "We're leaving in a few days." They let out a sigh. "Let's do this."


Yo Hi. I decided to wait to post this on March 22nd. So y'all could have something to add to your 38 tonnes of MCR content.

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