Chaelisa: Swimming (Futa Lisa)

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Warning, this is quite a long plot. lol, I just got carried away writing. 

"You know, your plan is never gonna work." Jennie said to Rosé as they walked down the poolside. The red head rolled her eyes. "Stop being so negative. You should be wishing for the best." Rosé said. The brunette rolled her eyes once again and stopped walking. "Listen, your idea of pretending to not know how to swim, just to get help from the hot instructor, is going to be a total flop." The older girl didn't bother sugar coating her words to her best friend. Someone has to be honest, and Jennie would have to do it.

Rosé put her hands on her hips as she turned to face Jennie. "You're probably just jealous that I'm gonna get her, and you'll be solo." She said cockily. Jennie was about to retaliate, if it weren't for Rosé literally shutting her up and turning her around. "Shut up and play along." She whispered as the instructor walked over to the pair. The blonde, who was wearing swim shorts with a sleeveless swim shirt smiled brightly and spoke. "You must be Rosé and Jennie, right?" The red head almost melted at the husky voice and dazzling smile of the latter. Not to mention the very toned body in front of her.

Since Rosé wasn't going to say anything, Jennie sighed and spoke up. "Yes, you must be the hot-I mean swimming instructor." Jennie caught her tongue before she accidentally exposed her and Rosé. The swimming instructor chuckled and the red head almost melted again. "That's me. I'm Lisa by the way." The blonde extends her arm and Jennie smiled and shook it. Unknown to her, Rosé snapped out of her trance as soon as she saw that they made contact and glared at Jennie. "And I'm Rosé." The red head introduces her self so she can shake Lisa's hand instead.

Lisa laughed. "Ya, I know." The blonde shook her hand nonetheless. Rosé turned the same colour as her hair and shyly shook her hand. "So, shall we get started with our first lesson?" The blonde spoke up. Rosé nodded excitedly and Jennie sighed. What had she gotten herself into. The blonde dipped into the pool first and held her hands out. "Here, it's quite deep, so don't freak out when you get in." She warned. Jennie decided to go first, just to get this over with. With Lisa's help, she jumped into the pool and dived in and then coming back out, before combing her fingers through her hair. She heard a loud noice and looked that direction to see another instructor trip over something while staring at her.

Jennie chuckled and shook her head. Lisa held her hand out for Rosé and helped her get into the pool gently. Rosé grasped onto the hand firmly and swooned on the inside at the carefulness and gentleness as of the latter. As soon as she got in, the red head faked the coldness of the water and jumped into Lisa. "Cold!" She shivered intentionally, causing Lisa to place her hands on Rosé's arms and rub them in an attempt to warm her up. "There, it will get better over time." Lisa said and let go of her.

The slightly taller girl struggled to keep in a whine at the loss of contact. Jennie couldn't stand seeing this, so she spoke up. "You know, since Rosie is new to swimming, you should just go ahead and teach her. I'll just enjoy by myself." The brunette said as she made her way to the other end of the pool where she spotted a raven haired girl eyeing her. Lisa didn't have enough time to ask questions since she already left. "Uh, I guess you're stuck with me." The younger girl said looking back at Rosé.

The red head has never been so grateful to Jennie in her life. She mentally made a note to get her something nice afterwards. She smiled and nodded towards Lisa. "Alright, so we're gonna start off with a float. It's simple, all you do it lay flat on your back." The blonde said and waded backwards so she can demonstrate. Lisa got on her back and imitated the shape of a starfish. "See?" Lisa smiled brightly towards Rosé. The older girl nodded her head unsurely. Of course she knew how to do a float, but for Lisa to get closer to her, she has to act like a novice.

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