Chapter Twenty

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20 years ago:

'He is strong.'

'That he is.' Cobb and his General stood and watched from a distance while the Gray Son trained. He was skilled, growing more skilled every day. In a little under a year, he had mastered most of their weapons and could fight against even some of the highest in their ranks and little by little he was getting closer to winning their duels.

'I notice he has not yet accessed his full strength?' the General mused.

Cobb crossed his large arms over his chest. 'He is still young. His body will remain unchanged, but his mind will mature with experience. When he is ready, he will be able to unlock his full stores of electrum.' A small smirk played on his lips as he watched his Great Grandson spar. Richard was a force to be reckoned with, even with the small amount of electrum that was coursing through his body. He couldn't wait to see how powerful his heir would become once he had unlocked his full potential.


Dick knew that Annie worked at Wayne Tech or as it was now called Wayne and Power, but he hadn't realised she played such an important role. Since Bruce was retired, he only ever dealt with the business that was either directly connected to his money or when the founders of the company gathered to discuss and vote on the company's future. After the incident that led to Terry becoming Batman, Bruce had hired Annie to work on his behalf for all of the other business that went on within the company.

Her office was huge, decked out in a way Dick could only describe as 'very Annie.' Everything was organised and had its place in the room, her desk was placed by the window, files neatly organised in a metal cabinet to its side. There was a couch in the room that faced the desk with a coffee table in front of it.

'Wow.' Said Dick, years ago he had gone to Bruce's office on a number of occasions, but he hadn't been expecting Annie to be so high up in the company, she already did so much at home.

'Morning Annie.' A chirpy voice came from the doorway, Dick popped his head over the sofa and saw a small blonde woman in a pencil skirt and large round glasses balancing on her nose.

'Morning Karly.' Said Annie, raising a hand in greeting. She and Dick were currently sat on the sofa with coffee from the coffee shop around the corner.

'Oh, who's this?' Karly leaned back a little upon seeing Dick's eyes.

'This is Dick, Jason's son. He'll be staying with me today.' She raised her coffee mug to indicate to the woman in the doorway. 'Dick, this is Karly, my assistant.'

'Hi.' Said Dick.

'Not at school?' said Karly, obviously fishing for more details as to why this strange boy was in the office.

'I'm on suicide watch.' Said Dick with a smile. Karly looked alarmed.

'Ignore him, Karly. I'll be out in a minute to go over today's schedule.' Once Karly had closed the door Annie glared at her young charge.

'Not necessary.' She said, standing up and throwing her empty coffee cup in the bin.

'What, it's true.' Dick shrugged.

'That's not why you're here.'

'Then why am I here?' said Dick, slumping into the back cushions. 'Why couldn't I stay at the manor on my own?'

Annie smiled at him in a way that made him feel uncomfortable. She walked over to him and leant forward so her face was close to his own.

'You're here because you have been suspended and you are grounded.'

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