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Mickey burst into her room the next morning with his arms folded. "Listen, I got you a job, you can earn back what everyone took" he said as if she should be grateful as she laughed. "You took my money and got me a job" she said trying to see his logic as she nodded. "The squirrels and waffles place Mandy worked at turned into a place for ex corner kids. You start tomorrow" he said, about to leave as she called him back.

"Do you really think I was dumb enough to leave all of my money in one account" she said through a laugh as he scoffed. "You have more hidden away" he said in shock as she nodded. "Four different accounts. You just spent the money you'd get if I died" she said continuing the laugh as his jaw dropped. "All of that was going to me" he whispered, regretting all of his actions as she nodded. "I was splitting it five ways. You would've gotten most of it though" she said as she continued to laugh as he stormed out of the room, shouting at everyone asking why they took her money.

She pulled herself out of bed and got dressed, it was weird to her picking out a different outfit everyday and waking up and eating whenever she wanted to, but she knew she'd adapt quickly. Mickey and Iggy were arguing over what they spent it on so she walked over to the table with all of the men and started picking things up. "Hey" Snook shouted as she sent him a cold hard glare. "Who paid for these" she shouted as he sat back so she nodded and left the house.

She was standing infront of the Alibi, memories came flooding back to her, she walked straight in and was meant by an empty bar, the only person in there was Frank on his usual barstool. Kevin was standing there wiping glasses when he saw her. "No fucking way" he shouted before running out from behind the bar. "Missy. Missy, it's Missy" he shouted at Frank before wrapping his arms around her. "Are you alright, are you okay, are the Milkoviches looking after you. Are you eating enough. You could always come home. Of course, I know, Veronica said it could take you a while, but when your ready, you'll come over won't you. We'll order fried chicken and make it exactly like the first day you came to us" he rambled as she looked up  at him before smiling.

"Of course" she said through a nod, the man in front of her was her father, he raised her way better than Terry ever could and she was grateful to both him and Veronica. "Drink" he said with his finger pointed in the air before going behind the bar. "Mike's  home" she said with her hands in her pockets as he smiled. "No fucking way. This has to be the best day ever, after having the girls, and meeting V, and you coming to us, it's not that high, but it's up there" he said as she smiled. "Been practicing your handshake too" she continued as the man almost screamed. "Bring him with you when you come over" he announced as she said she promised before taking the beer off the counter and taking a seat at the booth.

She checked the clock, they were five minutes late but she was interrupted by Frank coming over. "I know Carl's my son" he began before sitting down as she rolled her eyes. "Yeah" she said unamused before taking a slug from her bottle. "But you. You made him so fucking happy. The boys a cop, raising your kid with yet another fucking lunatic" he said as she shrugged. "He seemed pretty happy to me" she said bitterly as Frank scoffed. "What are you going to do about this little monkey of yours anyway" he asked while leaning over the table as she laughed. "Why would I tell you" she said while laughing as he looked at her.

"Because out of the Gallagher's. I'm the only person you've got" he said through a nod. "Right, because it's not like Ian lives with me" she said through a nod but before Frank could answer, Carl, Bianca and Danielle walked in.

Bianca whispered something the girl so she grabbed her fathers hand and they made their way over while she got them drinks. There was a dead silence until he spoke. "Miss I-" he began but Bianca ran over with three waters. "What did I miss" she asked frantically as Missy rolled her eyes before sitting back.

They took a while to get settled before Bianca, once again, spoke on Carl's behalf. "I-we would like an apology for the way you acted yesterday" she began as Missy scoffed before folding her arms and shaking her head. "Carl and I agreed that maybe you could see her every so often. We're not going to stop you from building a relationship, i just don't want her to get too used to you" she began as Missy titled her head. "It's just, from what Carl told me. You don't stick around that long" she said through a nod as Missy tried to stay composed.

"And I don't think you should be drinking beer in front of her" she continued as Missy watched the little girl in front of her. She had icy blue eyes and brown hair that was tied into the tiniest ponytail she'd ever seen, Danielle was smiling and was staring right at Missy, the little girl knew who she was and Missy shut everyone else out at that second. That little face is what kept her going through prison, she knew she had to get out to be with her and after that moment, there was nothing she wouldn't do to get her back.

Bianca hadn't finished talking but Missy interrupted her. "I've dealt with crazy before. You're no different to every other bitch he used to try and replace me with. What makes you so special" she asked, curious as Bianca looked at her taken aback. "Well I'm going to be the mother of Harper pretty soon once we get your rights severed" she said as Missy banged the table. "I'm sorry what" she said in what could only be a whisper. "It was the purpose of seeing you today" Bianca said while looking at Carl confused so Missy stood up and cracked her knuckles, she was beyond angry at this point and Carl could sense it. "Missy" Carl shouted, trying to get her to calm down as the girl threw her hands in the air.

"Why are you acting like I'm the batshit crazy one here" she shouted as he stayed silent. "Why the fuck are you letting your little dog talk to me like this. You're speaking to me like my dad spoke to Kev and V" she continued as Bianca sighed. "She doesn't want to go with you" she shouted back as Missy raised an eyebrow. "Harper, this is your real mother, the one who forgot about you and left you with me. She didn't want you, remember her" she said condescendingly to the child looking up at Missy with the saddest eyes ever. "Mom" the little girl whispered as Missy heart shattered.

She found herself taking a step towards the blonde who raised her eyebrows. "What are you going to do" she hissed as Missy punched her clean in the face before shoving her onto the hardwood floor. Bianca scratched Missy's face and it bled, but it was nothing compared to the damage Missy was doing. She was sitting on Bianca's stomach, taking every bit of pent up anger out on her face, punching and hitting her like she was a doll rather than a human and Bianca just let her for what felt like ages until she sat up and shoved Missy off her.

"I'm surprised a social worker didn't step in the second you gave birth. I'm ecstatic that you went to prison. Imagine how doomed Harper and Carl would've been to have you to call family. You make me sick" she spat before kicking Missy into the face and strutting out, expecting Carl to follow but he didn't. He stood frozen at the side of the girl he once loved sitting on the floor, looking defeated.

"Some cop you are" she joked before pinching her nose and tilting her head backwards as she sat on the floor. She was ready to blow up at him but her thoughts were interrupted by a tap on the shoulder and when she turned around she saw Danielle holding a napkin from the table, trying to put it to the girls nose. "Mom" she whispered as Missy smiled at her. "Danielle" she whispered back as the girl looked at her confused, the name Danielle gave the little girl a sense of comfort, but she wasn't used to it, it was as if she knew everything but didn't at the same. Missy looked up at Carl who just watched them interact with a smile. "Missy I just wanted to say, I still-" he said in the softest voice she'd ever heard as she looked up at him with a smile. "You still what" she asked trying to match his energy but they were interrupted by Bianca storming back in.

"It's my shift, you get out" she spat as Missy looked up to see that Kevin and Frank had left ages ago. Once Bianca looked at the sight on the floor, it angered her. She picked up Danielle and handed her to Carl before dragging Missy off the floor, pulling her all the way to the door and throwing her out. "This isn't over" Missy said through a laugh but Bianca's face didn't move a muscle. "Oh yes it is, say goodbye to your fucking rights" she spat before slamming the door shut but Missy wasn't even mad.

That interaction with Danielle was all she ever wanted, nothing could take her down from cloud nine.

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