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She was woken up the next day by Yevgeny pouncing on the bed. Her face ached from the night before but she couldn't help but smile, she saw her daughter, she won. "You're late for work" he chanted as she shook her head. "No I'm not" she whispered while as he nodded. "Yes you are" he said through a laugh as she began tickling him thinking he'd eventually leave or fall asleep since she was half asleep. "You better not be lying to me Yevgeny Milkovich" she began as he shrieked which woke her up fully. "Shit" she shouted once she saw her alarm clock. "You shouldn't say that word" her nephew scolded as she smacked her forehead. "Right. Stupid me. Frick, I'm late for work. Now get out" she said as the boy nodded and ran out. He left and she got dressed and ran into the kitchen, trying to find shoes.

She was stopped in her tracks however when she saw Mike making breakfast. He was serving the men at the table and her grandmother was smiling at him, inspecting his cooking. It was a sight she never thought she'd see, her grandmothers smile.

"You're like a fucking Go-Kart. Sit down and have some breakfast" Mickey said while shoving her out of the way but she just shoved him back and stole his slice of toast. "He's a good boy Marissa" Albina began referring to Mike as she just nodded while Mike tossed her keys at her. "Dinner at Kev and Vs at seven. Don't be late" she said while pointing at Mike who nodded and told her he'd arrive at seven fifty four. She kissed her nephew on the head and ran out the door where she was greeted by Sandy sitting on the steps smoking a cigarette, reading a post card.

"What's that" Missy questioned as the girl looked up and blew smoke at her. "Postcard from Mandy" she said while holding up the tiny piece of cardboard with a picture of the leaning tower of Pisa and the word Italia in bold red writing. "Italy" Missy whispered in shock as Sandy nodded. "We get a new one every time she goes to a new place. She wrote Missy WWMD, what does that mean " she explained as Missy took a seat next to her. "What would Michelle do. I lived by that saying for so long. But what would she do, right now, in my position" she questioned as Sandy raised an eyebrow. "You know what she'd do. She'd go, she'd beat the shit out of Bianca and get with Mike to make Carl jealous all with class and decorum" Sandy said as Missy burst into laughter before making her way to work. The idea of her and Mike was ridiculous. In her head it had always been Carl, it always was and it always would be.

She arrived at a beat up diner called Lowe's, it used to be the squirrels and waffles place her sister once worked at, but was rebought and renamed and was under a completely different management. She was greeted by a tall greasy man called Rick, who gave her an apron and a tour and once he brought her to the kitchen she saw a familiar face. A stressed out Theo Duval trying to keep up with orders. "And this is the kitchen, it's our main focus" Rick began as Theo made eye contact with her.

"Theo" she said while walking up to him, he smiled and kept his eyes on their boss but just nodded at her. "I really need to talk to you. Meet me during your break" he began, trying to pretended that they weren't talking as she nodded and followed her boss out. Her first table was her grandmother and brother looking for pancakes so she didn't have to put on an act.

"Get a job Mickey" she said while setting the plates down as he shook his head before sliding one of the plates closer to himself and stuffing his face. "I have a job" he said as Missy looked at Albina who nodded. "He's a pimp" she shouted, she was a loud woman, she always had been and it was taking some getting used to but their whole family was loud so it wasn't going to take long. "Again" Missy said through a sigh as Mickey pointed at her. "Me and Kev have a proper partnership this time. So I'm hiring out Svet and her whores" he began which led him to receive a slap across the face from his grandmother.

"You know what they're saying stupid. Terry and Michelle spent years teaching you. And Michelle wasn't even Russian" she shouted as he shook his head. "Trust me. I don't." He began before shaking his head which broke into an argument so she went back to serving tables until it was an appropriate time to take her break.

She walked into the back, nodded at Theo and grabbed a pack of cigarettes from her locker before walking outside, he followed her but by the tome he got to her she was already sitting on the dumpster with a cigarette hanging from her mouth. "Duval" she said through a nod as he nodded. "Milkovich" he said before taking a seat next to her and taking a breath. "What's so important then" she asked as he went silent for a couple of seconds before nodding.

"G died" he said blankly as her jaw dropped. While she hated the man, she owed a lot to him, he was the reason she was in the financial position she was in. "I walked passed that old corner we used to work on and his brains were all over the sidewalk" he said as she covered her mouth. "Did you call anybody" she asked before inhaling her cigarette as he shook his head. "Evan walked passed an hour later. It was all cleaned up like nothing happened" he explained as they sat in silence for a couple of seconds to show some respect.

"Fuck" she whispered while throwing her head back as he nodded. "We really don't know when our last day is going to be so uh, yanno, I'm sorry for everything" he began but she interrupted him. "It's whatever" she whispered before inhaling her cigarette once again. "We were good friends" he said while looking at her as she nodded through a smile, remembering everything. "But Evan was hitting your sister and that wasn't right, I shouldnt have held you responsible" he began as she shook her head. "It's fine. I swear, Mandy doesn't know how to pick men" she began as he nodded.

"Do you think we'll ever know what love is. I mean we're ex corner kids. All we knew how to love was money" he joked as she handed him her cigarette. "I was- I am in love. Definitely, with that boy I brought with me to corner. The guy you called Justin Bieber. We have a little girl together" she said while nodding as his jaw dropped. "Holy shit. Seriously though. How did we go from making all that money, a name for ourselves to working, well, here" he said as she burst into a fit of laughter.

"We got caught. I told you all, drug dealing is a woman's job" she joked as he playfully shoved her to the side. "I don't know about that but you've showed me you were one the good ones. We should try and be friends again" he said through a shrug as she nodded. "Of course" she whispered before bro-hugging him and going back to work.

She was just about to walk out when she saw one of the highschoolers working there part-time staring at a group of cops. "Which one do you like" Missy asked while nudging her as the girl looked up and smiled. "They come in here everyday. Once at lunchtime once at dinner time. It's that one. The brunette" she said while guiding Missy's eyes over to a certain cop. Carl Gallagher. "Do you think I should take his order" she asked Missy hopefully as the girl bit her bottom lip. "That's my baby daddy" she said through a laugh as the girl turned bright red and that was when Carl noticed her and instantly got up, but she tried her hardest to get out before him.

"Missy" he shouted as she kept walking so he began chasing her up the street. "You do realize I can outrun you" he shouted so she stopped and shrugged. "Walk with me then" she shouted back so he did. "I'm surprised you can say more than two words. All I've head is Miss and Missy" she said sounding unamused as he shoved his hand into his pockets. "I'm sorry about that" he began as she shrugged. "You could've answered my calls" she said, defeated and for that split second, she let him see her as vulnerable, but only for a few seconds.

"What could I have said that would've made this any easier" he asked, it wasn't even sarcasm, he was genuinely curious. She stopped dead in her tracks and folded her arms. "How about, hi Missy. I know I've been seeing you in prison for two years as if we were together and I know I brought your daughter who all you wanted was a hug from. But I've actually been dating a psychopath, once again, who wants to rename your daughter and take away your parental rights" she said bitterly as he sighed.

"Here we go" he whispered as she sped up but he called her back. He stood there still with his hands in the pocket. "Tomorrow, that park, you know which one I mean. Four pm. Danielle, would love to see you again" he said through a wink before walking back towards the diner. She didn't know how to feel but she was in a state of slight shock.

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