~A Visit Of An Old Friend~

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So today is the day I pay our little friend with a big secret - Lydia Cross-Grove a nice visit.

I wonder what her first impressions will be? also will she say yes? will my bribary do what it says on the tin?! right let's go to... The Forbidden Tree Of BenchWood! I flew for quite a few hours seeing trees of all kinds, but non that are forbidden or of BenchWood these were just normal,everyday-ordinary trees! so I carried on flying but I was beginning to get  a little tired & sleepy, then I felt a small jab in my leg like some one just poked me really hard! I slowly turned my head to find a blurry object stuck in my leg I wanted to yell but I didn't have it in me, then my eyes finally closed and I don't remember anything after that apart from waking up...

I awoke to a horrid dark & extremely gloomy place it seemed like some kind of old deserted wood but was it actually deserted? was the question running through my head and suddenly... the figure! walking around me slowly, making no noise what so ever and then quite a deep voice came out of the shadows lips "Who are you? , Why have you come here, was it to kill me? , SPEAK!" , shivering in fear I cautiously spoke "my name is Randy Coal & I havn't come here to kill you! , I wanted to find you because I need your help! you are her aren't you?" she spoke again but this time much faster "My name is Lydia Cross-Grove, why? what's it to you?" "I believe you bit me in my father's grave yard the other night because I was working late and I saw your shadow coming out from the darkness, all I got to see were your fangs & eyes. So I did some research and the eyes and fangs matched the description of a young 17 year old girl by the name of Lydia Cross-Grove am I correct? for one last time she spoke "Follow me."

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