Bitten In Lifes Moonlight

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This Is My First Book~

Some say she has the fangs of a sly snake, is as cunning as a fox and has the eyes of an albino.

As a boy times... were lonely especially after the accident where my mother died but anyways lets not say to much about fatality because most books just rush ahead with it. Anyway, as a young boy with a dead mother it was natural to get into... The WorkHouse - it wasthe worst place of my life I hated it with a passion! And incase anyone reading this doesn't know The WorkHouse is a place of everyday torture and I'm sure that young boys would kill to get out of that place. So after being in The WorkHouse for several years, making my life hell! My father released me, I was so happy to see him my eyes lit up with joy and at that moment I'm pretty sure even the guard shed a tear!

I then went on to living with my father and we had a reasonable father-son relationship it was like we were best friends... and as the years go on I am now 16 and have found myself employment of course Roberts Grave Digging Buisness yeah it's a gross and pretty spooky job but it was cool to be helping out my dad. So one night I'm doing the usual digging graves! And I see a black figure, a shadow zooming around me as a cold shiver runs down my spine I speak, "Hello?" & "heloooooo?" then the figure stepped out and I saw fangs the size of a car with a drip of blood sliding down a canine or two I screamed with fear and ran which I was hoping would be to 'Safety' ... It was not! Instead I came to a corner where the car-sized fangs sunk in to my flesh deeply as I yelped then the figure ran away as quick as the lightning strike in the summers sky that evening. I am Randy Coal and at the age of 16 I was 'bit' by the worst vampire possible Lydia Cross-Grove.

I awoke to the sound of my fathers voice whispering gently & softly into my ear "you're gonna be alright" my eyes slowly opened "dad?" he gasped joyfully but his next words were "what happened to you're neck?" I looked in the mirror beside my bed and peered down to see 2 car-sized fang-shaped wounds in my neck my reply was "Ooh, I must have umm, done it in the blackout" he was very curious! But his next reply was "and your eyes they seem a little brighter than before, what do you think?" I stuttered "noooooo, they seem fine" you see readers my natural eye colour is a grey cobweb-like colour but they now seemed to be a bright blue shining with parts of purple my father believed that I was just as normal as I was before the blackout (but that is Robert Coal for you.) At home my father began to question his self at my 'new behaviour' the sports I do to keep fit everyday I seemed to be a lot quicker as quick as the black figure I saw in the grave yard, I also seemed to be a meat lover all of a sudden well, it's not that I didn't lime it before its just that I didn't have it as often as everyday! My father was getting more and more suspicious you can see it in his face as something strange happened his eye brows would lower in curiosity and my only thoughts were how long can I keep this up?

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