~Vampire Training-Day 2~

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She's slowly getting more passionate yesterday I asked her how our 'ship' (Relationship/Friendship) was and she said, "maybe best friends" , I can assure you with that reply, my smile lowered.

On e again she took me into the forest, this time a little further than Day 1 of training, and she said "Randy, What are you?" I replied confused "A vam...pire?" , "correct!" She answered. I didn't know what she was or was trying to do at this moment in time but I do know one thing, she made me angry!

Then she said "catch me if you can!" and rushed off into the distance of the forest, then all that could be heard for those slow seconds was a slight 'hoot' of an owl. I could hear my own black heart beat and this made me even angrier so I sprinted deep into the woods. All of a sudden there was an eerie sound of a voice stretching right down through my ears and into my stomach (I guess vampires do hear a lot better than humans😜) the voiced seemed to say "come on, over here, pick a tree, any tree" randomly I remembered the survival channels I used to watch in my early teens on listening what they said is turn your head and listen to which direction the sound comes from, and that is the way you travel to find the person/creature making the noise, and that is just what I did I eventually stopped to look up at another old oak tree like Lydia's tree house yet much taller, this stemmed to be where the voice was strongest therefore it was my natural instinct to dig my claws deep into the bark and climb. I got so carried away climbing heard the voice again, this time from the side of me saying "Hello stranger" it shocked me to slowly turn my head to see red eyes, redder lips & skin as white as winter snow, this meant one thing, "Lydia!" I screamed she replied "Nice work, lesson 2 of being a vampire ~ Think fast, it took you a while to find me" "ye----" Lydia stopped me in my tracks only to say "yeah great... ,See you back at the house!" "Wait----" I yelled, but of course it was too late she had gone in a flash agin the instincts kicked in and I sprinted in the same direction eventually catching up with her I pulled up at the side of her, it was like a race I could hear the commentators shouting Cross-Grove takes the lead, Oh! But suddenly over-taken by Coal she laughed "ooh, your pretty fast... For a rookie" I chuckled- "gee thanks." Around 5 second later, (and yes, we ARE 'that' fast) we came to a stop to find ourselves standing in front of the Treehouse, we walked up the creaky wooden steps and stepped into the warmth of the cosy fire which had been lit keeping the house warm the whole time we were out!

"Lesson 3 of Vampire Training" - Lydia said, - "never wait or stand along side the prey always remain in front assuring you have a great amount of time to think of a capture plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2012 ⏰

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