~Lonely Nights~

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I have started going out on my own now rather than having my father beside me holding his hand as I skip but that was some time ago, obviously. I guess you probably wonder what I do alone, well the things I do are... Stranger than just going for your normal everyday stroll, it's way more I search well, maybe search isn't the word maybe hunt will give a little more information? But now that leaves you questioning right? What am I hunting? I'm hunting for human beings yep, that's right I have a method you see, first you must hide in some bush or behind a tree then as they cautiously walk past then and only then is the time you pounce especially only then if the prey is someone you know otherwise youre just gonna make it awkward see, you can't let them hear you to start of with and you can't let them see you at all times under all circumstances never, EVER let your pray see you! This is important because if they ever get away the police could be told, their could be many reasons but maybe I have said too much!

The day is new and father is beginning to question himself, don't ask me how I know you can tell it's in his face okay?! Sorry that's another thing my anger issues are upgrading and I'm becoming more and more scared of myself, I know it's weird right? But ugh! I've decided what I'm going to do about it... I HAVE TO LEAVE! It's not that I want to or anything but you have to just think if my anger issues are evolving I'm getting more powerful this vampire stuff is taking over me! so think of what I could end up doing to my father? Well, just thinking about it makes me want to commit but... You guessed it, Vampires are immortal apart from the odd werewolf scratch but is that just in comic books? Oh and here's something new for you, you know the thing in all comic books and what not about Garlic and vampire's not being able to go near the stuff, thats totally not true! And again don't ask me how I know but what I will tell you is that it took a lot of guts. Also the thing in books about the holy cross & water yeah, that also isn't true! Gosh with all these exclamation marks I'm beginning to sound like an American teenage girl!

So yeah about the whole leaving thing I have a plan and I'm going to leave tomorrow night. I'm actually terrified about the whole thing but if ten plan works everything should be okay well... I hope so, gosh just talking about it gives me the skeevies! Maybe I'm over exadurating a little, okay I'm chickening out! So I'll have stop talking and get with the plan

Okay so this is just the beginning to my Lonely Nights.........................................................................................

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