One For Sorrow

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"General, the Emperor awaits you in the courtroom." The servant bowed low as he dismounted from his horse with flourish. He took off his gloves and waved to his men that dismounted behind him.

"Alright. I guess handing him another country for his empire doesn't warrant his meeting my triumphant return." He grumbled in front of his trusted men. They exchanged glances amongst one another in worry. To meet in the court was to be surrounded by the Emperor's most devious statesmen.

It gave quite a few of them the shivers. They would rather meet a rabid man on the battlefield with a sword than face off against the ministers. They followed the servant to the wide court doors and entered to a full inquisition in progress. The General's eyes widened dramatically at the sight.

All the ministers were in their robes of high office. The Emperor wore his official robes and high crown. In front of them were half a dozen ministers in their everyday robes with horrified looks on their faces. The General recognized one or two as friends of his family, wealthy and influential men.

"Ah. The General himself graces us with his presence. Shall we see what he has to say about the matter?" The Emperor's face was cold as he gazed across the space. The General was honestly confused as he approached the high throne. He looked at the men in front of the court briefly in curiosity and then focused on his liege.

"I greet your Imperial Majesty humbly, your victorious General returns to place the southern kingdom in your gracious care." He bowed low in front of the obviously furious man and did not raise his head until his liege gave him leave. The man made him wait with his head bowed far longer than he ever had before.

"You may rise, General." The Emperor finally allowed with a sullen voice. Suddenly the General knew it was a test, all of it. He bowed lower as though he had not heard the man. "Come now. You say you have brought me a new country? I am pleased. You may lift your head, General."

"Thank you your majesty." He raised his head and waited for the next words like a patient servant. The Emperor seemed rather peeved that he had read the situation so well. The General was sweating with worry underneath his stoic face.

"Tell me, General, how do we punish treason in our glorious empire?" The Emperor sneered. He blinked and nodded thoughtfully.

"That is simple, your majesty. We use the death penalty so they may not turn and bite our holy majesty when his back is turned." He replied, silently apologetic to his father's friends and feeling the truth of things. Although there was still a shock to come.

"How brazenly you say that. Does that mean you are not one of them who would conspire against his majesty?" The minister to the Emperor's left said rudely to him. He looked at the man in shock.

"Of course I am not. I was just out conquering a nation for him. Why the hell would I betray a man I would do that for?" He argued reasonably.

"Are you sure you were not just conquering that nation for yourself?" A sly old minister asked a few heads down. He scowled at the insinuation.

"I am a soldier, not a statesman. I have no interest in his majesty's throne. I am content to swing my sword and play in the dirt." He wanted to grumble but he settled for saying it sternly. A few people nodded and some other still looked at him suspiciously.

"It is good that you feel such loyalty for us. A pity your supporters did not show that same loyalty for our person as you have shown." The Emperor said imperiously. He looked as confused as he felt.

"The ministers called before us today have all conspired to dethrone his majesty... in favour of you." The minister on his left explained to him.

"Eh? That is dumb." He blurted out. The Emperor looked surprised for a second and then bellowed out a laugh.

"My dear, simple General. Your honest response reassures me greatly. The ministers shall all be beheaded and shamed on the walls until they rot." The Emperor said smoothly when he was done. The ministers who had been condemned began crying and shaking as the guards came forward for them. One reached out for the General but he turned away.

He was not going to let ambitious men pull him down with them. Not even if he had known the man since he was a boy. He never wanted more than to work hard and be a good soldier. He had a brilliance in battle that had simply outshone most men, and a way with a sword that was poetry in motion. He was, in a word, exceptional. He realised in the next moment, for the Emperor that was all that mattered.

"You however, I must reward. Not just for your prowess, but also your extreme loyalty. I have just the thing." His face grew rather devious and the General's brows lowered slightly. "I will appoint you to the Empress' Personal Bodyguard. She is pregnant with our child and needs the utmost care. You will have to purify yourself for the position of course, but to such a loyal servant such as you... it should be no problem."

The silence that descended onto the room was absolute. The General was cursing and sweating at being put on the spot. His soldiers were furious and trying to hold back their outburst. The ministers were shocked at the so-called reward and watching to see his reaction. He felt his face drain of all blood as the silence stretched on.

"As much as I would like to accept such an offer right away, your majesty, I feel that I must consult with my parents first. You see, as a filial only son, I must get their blessing before taking on such an auspicious task." He replied a little hesitantly. The breaths of many were slowly let out. He had not said yes or no, and in fact given himself a rather good excuse to delay.

Even those who wished to become an inner palace servant or a monk had to have the blessing of their parents if they were an only son. It was to ensure that strong families and blood was preserved even in the face of rebelling or runaway children. The Emperor would know this tradition well, and it was ancient enough that he could not flout it.

"Of course. You may visit them tonight and give me word at court tomorrow." He replied almost to congenially. The Emperor then rose and came down into the middle, staring the General in the eye as he passed. He stopped almost gone by him, and turned to him slightly to whisper too low for anyone else to hear him. "If you say no, I will kill all your side families right down to the babes in their cradles."

He bowed low and waited for his majesty to continue on and out the door. Holding his composure, he rose and casually walked out of the court as though his entire extended family had not been threatened. When he reached his personal quarters is when he finally lost it. He swore and kicked over a rather heavy marble table, which shattered into three pieces.

His men looked on in shock at the show of anger and strength from the man who had been nothing but cool headed even in the thick of battle. The General shouted in anger. It was enough to have his parents come to him from the noise. His father was white faced and worried, his mother wringing her hands and close to tears.

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