Three For A Girl

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The Empress was a young and lonely girl, so lovely to behold that many could not look upon her for long. The General bowed his head in respect and smiled at the very pregnant woman kindly. It was not her fault that she was so beautiful and caught the tyrant's eye.

"Greetings your Imperial Majesty. I have been tasked to look after you and your child as he grows." The man said with his deep, soothing voice.

"Ah! So handsome. I am truly blessed that my husband sends me such a good looking man to watch over me. If I was not a married girl, I would have begged my father to marry me to you." She said with a giggle and a blush. The General's smile widened and he bowed again.

"You are too kind, majesty. I am sure I would not have refused him for such a sweet girl as you." He replied with a wink. She smiled widely and hung on his arm whenever she went out of her palace. The other concubines and maids were very jealous of the woman, to have such a bodyguard to follow her around.

Before three months were out, the Empress gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The General, as he was still called, seemed to grow even larger in myth in the meantime. He did not falter in size, strength or capability. In fact, he became the Empress' shadow and she doted on him heavily. He treated her like the sun that rose in the sky, and compared to her neglectful husband... he was a god.

"Is it true what they say?" The Empress asked one day, her curiosity getting the better of her. The General feigned ignorance as the young woman hung onto his arm and they strolled her private gardens.

"Is what true, majesty?" He asked with a secret smile.

"They said you were purified, but some say it did not take." Her face was full of innocent curiosity and he could not hold back his laughter.

"Dear girl. Do you not know how it works? I thought you just had a child?" He teased her when his laughter subsided. He had looked to make sure none could overhear them.

"Oh, I know how that works. I just... I wasn't sure... You are still so strong and..." She was blushing at this point and he smiled in understanding.

"You mean I am not like the other purified men you have seen here at the palace?" He replied gently. She sighed and nodded. "I was not purified before I became strong, and I must train regularly to make sure I do not become weak. It is harder to accomplish but I manage." He did not tell her of the medicine he had to take daily in case word got back to the emperor about it.

"I see. Does... does that..." She faltered her questioning with her maidenly embarrassment. The General grinned wickedly.

"Does it work? Fortunately, my strength has not abandoned me." He replied, watching her face alight with awe. She looked around the deserted garden and then quickly reached up on tiptoes to brush her lips against his. He gasped at the touch and would pull back if she did not have tight hold of his robes.

"Come to my chambers tonight, when all the servants have gone to rest." She whispered against his lips when she pulled back. Then she pulled away and resumed her walk about the garden as though nothing had happened between them. The General's calculating mind was awhirl though as he stared down at the frightfully isolated girl.

He stood by her as her husband ignored her for another night, in favour of a new concubine. He sat with her as she dined, and fed her infant son. He was standing faithfully at the door of her chambers as she was prepared for bed. When all the servants left, his gaze hardened and he stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

It did not take long for the Emperor to once again become suspicious and jealous. He called the General to the court once again, but without proof of wrongdoing he could only be petty. The Emperor decided that the only way to be sure the General was not keeping his wife's favour was to remove his presence from his Empress's company.

"My son is old enough that he should learn to be independent of his mother the Empress. We want you to go with him to his new palace and protect our eldest son." Was his decree. The General was not stupid. He smiled placidly and bowed, accepting the post with grace. The sereneness of his countenance merely made the Emperor frustrated.

He left to get the child, only eight years old, and take him to the new palace that was appointed to him. His mother was in tears, although whether it was to see her son or her lover leaving her was anyone in the palace's guess. They had no choice, and it was her punishment for the rumours whether they be true or not.

"DaDa, why are we leaving Empress mother?" the little boy asked sadly. The General looked at the small child sadly and smiled.

"Your Emperor father wishes for you to become strong and brave. He has gifted you with your own palace so you might work hard and gain his favour. I will help you so you might become a strong Emperor one day. Stronger than even your father. Okay? This General will go with you and watch over you carefully." He told the lad.

"Okay DaDa, I will go with you. Carry me?" He lifted his arms up to the stern looking man, who smiled dotingly at him. The servants were surprised to see the gruff man pick up the child and carry him as asked. The Empress watched with a heavy heart, knowing that she would not be allowed the opportunity to see either of them very often anymore.

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