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Today is the first debut for TXT and I certainly know that today will be memorable for Soobin but I'm not already to go to Music Bank. I cant that easy forgive him. I decided to stay at home with Qian and Kris. We were about to go Busan to visiting our Grandparents. Out of the blue, My mom and my dad received some text from the Director that they have to come to the company as fast as they can. It's important, he said. Well, now, We were on the dining room. do something useless. Watching Variety Show randomly while me and Qian eat noodles made by Kris. By the way, Kris was very good in cooking. I think He'll become a good Chef in the future if he on cooking faculty. I'm so disappointed when know that Kris had registration on the Economic Faculty. I wanna slip his thigh, ARGH!

"Yuqi-ya! look at that! That was TXT! Oh My God why Soobin can be that cute?" Qian said. She stunned. I just give a little smile as a response because I cant say anything about Soobin. NO COMMENT.

Kris wised up if something goes wrong with me. I frowned and ask him 'mwo?' without voiced. "Are you angry at him?" Ask him.

"No, I'm not. Why?"

Kris just chuckled and glared at me to the television. "Ya!" He nudged Qian and get a death glare from her. How cute they are. "Mwoya?!" Qian shouted.

"Yuqi was brokenheart, did you know? look at her. Oh my God, Yuqi, I will help you to get back with Soobin, oke?"

"Ya!" Protest me. "I'm ok without him, arraseo? aish!" I look at the tv and there was Soobin smiling to the camera. Oh, It's like real. I smiled in the deep inside. I can't speak up. So, I decided to go my room and streaming everything I want about Soobin and also TXT without Kris or Qian, my messy family.


Finally! we take our first throphy from Music Bank. I'm happy and ah I don't know how to explain. But the poin is, we can get our dreams by debuted and feel free to wave to our family(read: fans) they are so cute and sweet. I like this. But I think something different if i'm happy without Yuqi by my side. Freakin bad, I feel like flyin when I stay beside her. I like her! I like that girl! But she was mad at me with no reason.

"Where are you going?" Yeonjun asked me when I stood Up.

"Somewhere. I'll go to the dorm later. Just go first, i'm going afterward." Then, I took a foot to somewhere that I can see her unhampered. But the problem is, this things.

many people say at the parking area with their camera slung on their neck. I wondered. I cant stop thinking to fled and run towards the shelter.

"Ya! that was Soobin! Ya!! Oppa lets take a picture!!!" Oh, God. I cant go somewhere. They were block my way and pull and pull my body to get closer and take a picture forcefulness. I bit my lip and attempted to text Yeonjun and Kai. Maybe they can help me to be free from the crowded. Oke, calm down, just take a breath for a little time and you can see her smile. Calm down, Soobin.

"Wait, I have to call my friend." I permission to them but they very strong and keep me. I get my phone although my shirt still be pushed by them.

"Kai Oppa?"

"Call Yeonjun to come here, please!!"


I just nodded slowly and clear my throat.




"Ya! help me! I'm in parking area and I cant go anywhere! They stopped me and force me to take a picture! Aish, Jebalyo, help me now." I whispered. my phone still quiet and I heard a little giggled. It's a girl?!

"Ne, I'm on my way to fitch you. Wait me, maybe I will arrived around 5 to 10 minutes."






"Yeoboseyo?" I replied.

but the call ended. I see my phone screen and I can see Yuqi's smile on the contact picture ended the call.

"Oh my God." I close my eyes and be obsequious.


"Who you... you.." i'm humming enjoy the song. "beolyeojin nal chaj-eun neon guwon-in geolkka.."



I glanced on my phone, thinking that some message from someone but i'm totally wrong. That was call from Soobin. Yeah, secretly save his number from Kris's phone. Apparently, my brother always texting with Soobin. I know when I lend his phone last morning to call my dad.

"Mwo?" I mumbled. I answer because my phone vibrated like a mess. "Yeobo--"

"Ya! help me! I'm in parking area and I cant go anywhere! They stopped me and force me to take a picture! Aish, Jebalyo, help me now."



"Ne, I'm on my way to fitch you. Wait me, maybe I will arrived around 5 to 10 minutes."

Well, I dressed up myself to fatch Soobin with oversize sweater and jeans. I don't forget my mask to disguise myself from sasaeng or them fans. TXT's fan. Oh, sorry. since now, I'm a big fans of TXT and also Soobin.

In A Relationship with Soobin TXTWhere stories live. Discover now