Part 6

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"Joseph Stalin?!" Nagito inquired, standing above him was the incredibly infamous communist leader of Russia during World War II.

"That is correct comrade! It is I, Joseph Stalin!" Stalin announced, the USSR anthem played behind him at full blast. Nagito got up and just smiled, not out of happiness, out of anxiousness and being a pussy.

"But why? Why Stalin?" Nagito cried, Stalin grabbed Nagito close, pulling him into Stalin's chest.

"Because Nagito Komaeda...I love you, more than a comrade." Stalin leaned in for a kiss, but Nagito leaned back, falling out of Stalin's arms. Nagito became incredibly frustrated, he then realized that he hadn't seen Peter for a long time.

"Where's Peter?!" Nagito cried looking around him, Stalin grabbed Nagito's back and just laughed.

"Follow me my love." Stalin took Nagito into the Gulags. Around Nagito were suffering people who were being executed and working their asses off and doing things that happen in a Gulag. People like Katy Perry, your pedophile uncle, the hopes and dreams of starving children in Africa, and the entirety of the Voltron fandom. Nagito cringed as he passed by the Voltron fandom, those are some scary fuckers man.

Stalin finally stopped at a fire pit surrounded by Russian soldiers. Nagito looked closely inside and saw him, he saw Peter being beaten alive.

"PETER!" Nagito cried, he fell to his knees and started crying, "LET HIM GO!" Nagito cried and cried, but Stalin just laughed.

"Why should I?" Stalin inquired, Nagito stood up and sniffled his white little nose.

"Because he's my tasty thiccy boi snaccy poo husbando anime waifu who I have a waifu pillow of and everythingy nya owo desu-channnnnnn!!!" Nagito slapped Stalin, a few Russian soldiers came and grabbed Nagito aggressively.

"Fine! Stop beating the fat pig comrades!" Stalin announced, "Now Nagito, if you really care for that middle aged pig, you will agree to my conditions to keep him alive!" Stalin laughed because that's what villains usually do in this situation.

"I'll do anything Stalin-chan!" Nagito begged, going down on his knees and pleaded like a lil' bitch. Stalin knelt down and grabbed Nagito's frail chinny chin, and whispered in his face.

"Marry me." Nagito made direct eye contact with Stalin, shaking his head nervously he shrieked.

"Fine! I'll marry you! Just don't hurt my dearest Peter-kun..." Stalin grabbed Nagito and forcibly kissed him.

"Excellent! COMRADES!" Stalin cried, "Get our wedding started for the lovely Nagito and I!" Stalin asked his soldier to carry Nagito away.

Stalin went into where Peter was being tortured, he grabbed Peter by his ripped and bloodied shirt. He turned to his soldiers and whispered.

"Execute this pig, immediately." The soldiers looked at Stalin confused. One brave soldier spoke up to Stalin and said,

"But comrade, you said not to kill him!"

"Comrade! My dear Nagito said not to HURT him, never said not to KILL him. Burn him alive!" He dropped Peter and walked away, without hesitation the soldiers picked up Peter to have him be burned alive.

"Yah but wouldn't it hurt Peter if he were burning alive..." whispered one of the guards.

"Hey guys...Please don't kill me I'm not that bad of a guy!" Peter pleaded and pleaded, but the guards didn't listen to him. They made it to a giant furnace, the guards threw Peter in and slammed the large door. The screams of Peter were silenced by the burning flames melting his skin. It was the end of Peter Griffin. 

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