Three weeks before

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Paige was silent as she sat outside her house the voices echoed from the building behind her. She ignored them as she twisted her fingers through her shirt. Her eyes were locked on the ground as she hummed a song that her grandmother used to sing to her. A soft smile crossed her lips as she remembered her grandmother. The woman who would give her chocolates and let her draw all over different pieces of paper.

It was the soft crack of a stick that caught her attention and forced her eyes upwards. She froze her gaze shifting up meeting piercing red eyes that watched her from across the street. They held curiosity in them, almost confusion for a few moments before the eyes blinked and a black claw reached out. The claws were long and hooked like the dinosaur claws that Paige would read about in books. The creature itself though was no animal that Paige knew or for that manner dinosaur. The creature hesitated almost uncertain of what to do. A large black head emerged from the darkness as white teeth became visible. Small spikes ran along the creatures neck almost like wires and it gave off a low growl in response. A gold streak rushed from its neck down along its body mixing into the creatures skin.

Paige hesitated herself unsure of what this thing was but as it moved slowly towards her she noticed it had a small limp. It's right arm was pulled close to its chest and blood dripped from a large gash the ran the length of its arm. Paige hated to see people or animals hurt maybe it was just how she was raised. She didn't know. Reaching to her side she grabbed the small biscuit that she took from school and broke it in half. Tossing half the biscuit towards the creature it gave another growl before leaping back away from where the food landed.

"It's okay. It's just food." Paige encouraged softly before taking a small bite of the other half of the bread. The creature watched her before inching forward smelling the bread for a few moments. Giving a snort the creature raised its head back to the girl who sat across the street. Paige thought for a few moments before carefully getting to her feet and rushing towards the house. To her relief the creature didn't move or give chase, instead it just stood there studying her. Slipping into the house, Paige listened to her parents fighting they were in their bedroom arguing. Hurrying to the kitchen, she threw open the fridge door digging out a hamburger that her mother made the other night before shutting the door. Rushing along the hallway she made sure that her parents were still in their room before she crept out of the front door.

Paige stopped as she looked across the street the creature wasn't there anymore, at least it gave the illusion it wasn't. Paige barely made out the gold in the thick brush across the way before making her way to the end of her parents property. Breaking the hamburger into fourths she tossed a piece to the grass beside the curb. The red eyes returned as the creature stuck its head out sniffing at the meat before greedily eating it. Another piece landed a few feet in front of it on the road. Scanning the road the creature inched out of the brush, his whole body becoming visible. Paige noted that the claw on its back feet looked similar to that of a velociraptor's. It's large tail swung around as it ate the next piece of hamburger. Paige tossed another piece closer to herself still, and the creature stopped staring at the food in front of it before its gaze turned to the six year old standing on the edge of the curb.

"Come on. I know your hungry." Paige muttered as the creature took a tentative step forward. Snatching the piece of meat up it quickly swallowed it and the next chunk fell in front of Paige's feet. The creature gave a low grumble before cautiously moving forward. Its head was high above Paige's but she didn't seem to mind as it loomed over her. It's eyes scanning her, uncertain as to why she wasn't afraid. Slowly, the creature lowered itself allowing it to grab the final piece of hamburger. Paige hesitated for a few seconds as the beast in front of her finished off the piece of cow and raised its head to meet hers. They stood there eye to eye for what felt like an eternity but in truth was only a few moments. The creature huffed a breath and gazed at the building behind the girl hearing the shouting himself.

"You're hurt." Paige stated as she took a tentative step forward and looked at the beasts arm. The beasts attention returned to the girl that stood far closer than anyone else had ever come. A twitch of the creature spikes sent a small rattle through the air as the spikes clattered against its rough hide. Paige looked up at the creatures face before carefully raising her hand up to touch its neck. A low growl came from the creature before it yanked itself away from her and charged back into the brush across the street.
Here is the next chapter guys. Hope you enjoy

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