The Night of Monsters

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Later that evening they returned to the shed just a little after dark with Paige now leaning comfortably against Angel's neck. He carefully opened the door and slipped inside shutting it with his tail before bending down so that the six year old could easily slip off his neck. Sitting down on the dirty cement she looked up at Angel as the dinosaur nudged her slightly with his nose, getting her to laugh.

"I know what you are... I think... You're a dinosaur... hy-brid..." Paige whispered as Angel yawned before laying down in front of her. "I know your dangerous. I think your related to the I...rex... He was a bad dinosaur and killed a lot of people you know. He wasn't nice...not like you.... so why are you?" Paige asked But Angel could not answer and just moved closer to her, resting his head on her legs as she ran her fingers along his head.

"PAIGE!" Paige jumped to her feet at the sound of her father's voice. Angel gave a low growl as his tail slowly beat steadily against the cement underneath them but Paige quietly shushed him. Getting to her feet she quickly left the safety of the shed and rushed up the stairs of the house. Her father grabbed her arm at the top of the stairs yanking her inside the screen door and slammed the main door shut. Unfortunately, something was watching it all intently from the shed. Angel growled softly as he rose up his claws scraping against the cement but he paid no attention as he was intently focused on where Paige had disappeared. His unease continued to build as he froze in place every cell focused as he listened with the patience of a hunter to tell him what was happening within. He suddenly moved forward with deadly purpose as soon as he heard it, a very soft cry from Paige but Angel heard it. He crashed through the shed door, the wood shattering at impact and flying in different directions. Angel ignored everything however as he charged forward his claws ripping up clumps of the grassy lawn before he leapt up the stairs. His claws sliced through the screen like it wasn't there, as screams echoed from in the house he attacked the wooden inner door, shredding it.

"What the hell is that?" A voice shouted from the house but it didn't deter Angel however as he kept tearing away at the wood separating him from Paige. As the door caved in Angel launched himself through the doorway, rushing head first through it into the kitchen. Glass scattered over the white kitchen floor as he rose to his full height and the man shouting grabbed for a knife on the counter. Tackling the man to the ground, Angel gave a low growl before taking in the scene around him. His eyes landed on Paige almost instantly noticing the swelling forming beside her eye and red marks around her neck. A roar ripped from his throat as he faced the man pinned underneath him.

Paige screamed her fingers twisting and pulling her hair as she clenched her eyes shut. She could hear the shrill shrieks the man made as Angel ripped and tore into the man who had terrorized her her entire life. Paige stood there shaking like a leaf in the wind as the screams stopped and the sounds of cracking bones filled the room. A loud bang ricocheted through the room and Paige recognized her mother's voice for a moment before another bang. Paige quickly covered her ears not wanting to hear the noise anymore.

"Get away from my husband." she heard her mother shout before she heard the soft clatter of bullets hit the floor. Angel charged forward knocking the gun to the ground with a slam and Paige turned away from the grizzly scene in front of her. Tears streamed down her face as she heard her Angel dealing with the people who hurt her. After a few minutes the screams stopped and the house fell eerily silent but Paige refused to remove her hands from her ears. She felt his presence behind her but she refused to open her eyes. Blindly she turned to face Angel who stood behind her and wrapped her arms around the dinosaur's neck. Blood dripping down his jaws and claws as the monster lowered himself allowing the six year old to climb on his back. The two quickly slipped out of the house, taking care to be quiet as Paige's sobs wracked her body and tears streamed down on the dark skin and scales beneath her. It was raining outside and the drops washed away the copper scent from his black skin cleansing it of the scarlet liquid. Angel gave a soft huff before climbing over the backyard fence and beginning the trek North.

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