After School

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Paige was silent as she walked along the sidewalk after the bus dropped her off.  Kicking a rock she recalled what Mrs. Smith said about her drawing. "Maybe it was called 'I-Rex' a hybrid dinosaur like the ones that caused the park to close down, they were a very dangerous dinosaur that killed for no reason". But Paige thought the I-Rex was white not black like Angel and the I-Rex was much, much bigger. Maybe Angel was the baby of the I-Rex? Kicking another rock she skipped a bit as she saw her house in the distance. Yells cut through her thoughts and she saw 3 boys behind her, Charles started running toward her a wicked smile on his face. Paige stared at him, frozen for a few seconds before she started to run. Fear made her heart beat faster and faster as she heard his footsteps pounding behind her gaining on her with his two friends at his side. Rushing past her house she headed toward the  backyard and safety but a quick glance in showed her the shed door was open, the shed was empty.

Her frantic thoughts shifted to what could have happened but were quickly cut off as she heard her pursuers almost on her. Cutting down the side alley she ran as fast as her feet could carry her. But they were older than her, bigger, faster. Grabbing the handle of her backpack Charles yanked on it forcing her to stop and then practically threw her to the ground as the boys moved closer and tears stung Paige's eyes.

"Leave me alone." Paige cried as the boys laughed. There voices were like venom to her ears, and her skin crawled at the sound.

"Why would we do that?" Charles asked as Paige tried to get to her feet only to get pushed down again. "Aww, is the baby crying?"

"Please just leave me alone." Paige whimpered. She felt a set of eyes watching her and panic overcame her fear of Charles. "Wait stop." Paige cried as she stumbled to her feet only to get shoved again. "Angel don't." Paige screamed. The boys gave her a weird look before bursting out laughing.

"Look the baby still has an imaginary friend." Charles laughed.

"Stop he will kill you." Paige pleaded hoping they would listen but they just kept laughing and taunting her. They didn't notice the dark shape that slowly crept up on them or the red eyes that glowed with anger. What they did notice was the low guttural growl that reverberated through the brick alley. The boys turned on their heels and came face to face with their worst nightmare. Standing straight up on his hind legs his wicked toe claw tapped on the ground like a velociraptor. Tap, tap, tap. He stood menacingly at his full height his piercing gaze fixed on his prey, his clawed hands flexing and relaxing as the growling grew vibrating around them.

The boys screamed as Paige got to her feet rushed past them and stood in front of the dinosaur. Paige remembered clearly what Mrs. Smith said about the I-Rex "how it killed for no purpose. How one dinosaur sent a whole island spiraling out of control and how aggressive it was before finally being killed by a bigger dinosaur".

"Please Angel." Paige pleaded her voice quivering on the verge of fear and tears. She stood before Angel afraid of what the creature could do for the first time. "Don't hurt them." She whispered as the dinosaurs eyes slowly turned towards her and the anger and bloodlust that was there disappeared. Lowering himself to the ground the beast stepped forward pressing his head against her but his eyes snapped back to the three behind her.

"They won't hurt me again." Paige promised petting him gently and capturing his attention. She looked at the frozen boys and waved her right hand beckoning them past her which they did ever so slowly before running off in the direction they had come. Paige smiled at the dinosaur as it cooed into her side and her fingers traced the creatures neck. The spikes rattled softly together as Angel thrusts his neck into Paige's body forcing her to grab his neck tight. Raising his head up she was lifted up and away from the ground, Paige scrambled around his neck so that she was sitting securely at the base of his collar. She found a place her small hands could just grip a protrusion on his neck and she held on tight.   Angel turned striding forward he jumped onto the fire escape ladder and started to climb. Paige held on even tighter, her eyes clenched shut as she whimpered in a mixture of fear and excitement as they reached the top of the building. A soft call came from Angel and Paige opened her eyes as they came to a  stop. She gazed around the top of the building as the sun beat down on them, the soft whistle of the wind trailed through the air. A warm breeze rustled and danced in her long hair as leaves fluttered down around them. Birds chirped as they soared across the sky and the white clouds floated in the air. A soft smile crossed Paige's face as her fingers relaxed their hold on his course skin. Angel gave a small hum in response to the beauty of the day as the sun kissed his black skin. He moved along the roof his claws expertly finding places where he wouldn't slip or fall Paige settled in, her trust in Angel complete.
I want to thank you guys for all the amazing comments. I'm really happy with how this story is turning out.

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