Police Station

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The officers were nice enough, they offered her food, clothes, and some things to do while they asked her questions. She knew better than to lie to them, so she answered every question that they asked. Who she was, how she got to Washington, where her parents were. The one thing they didn't really ask was who was Angel, at least until Officer Winters entered the room.

"I never said my angel was a person." Paige stated as she watched the man across from her. Her eyes searching his face as the statement sent him into confusion.

"He's not a person? What is Angel then?" Officer Winters asked.

"A big dinosaur." Paige responded as the man's face shifts from confusion to worry.

"A big dinosaur? Do you mean like the dinosaurs that got off of Isla Nublar?" Winters questioned as Paige smiled.

"No, Angel is different. He isn't a normal dinosaur. He's a good one and he takes care of me. He has big teeth and claws. He is a good hunter." Paige admitted as the man silently watched her scribble for a few minutes. He tried to form a question but nothing came out of his mouth as Paige pushed the paper in front of her away before grabbing a new one. Replacing her crayon for a black one, she started sketching out an image of Angel. "He's nice. A little scary but you get used to it. He was hurt when I first met him, and he didn't like me. It took awhile but he is my friend now." Paige smiled as she drew the colors staining her hand. Officer Winters abruptly got to his feet, pushing the chair back with a screech getting Paige to stare up at him.

"Thank you for talking to me Paige. I'm going to make a few phone calls." He said before turning and leaving the girl alone. Paige watched the door shut behind him and lock with a soft click. Setting down the crayon she slid off the chair moving to the door and testing it to see if it was truly locked. Disappointment set in as she walked back around the table, grabbing the back of the chair and dragging it to the window. Climbing on the seat she looked out the window scanning the small town over, searching for her Angel. She wasn't certain how long she stared out the window scanning desperately for the dark creature. What broke her from her thoughts was the clicking of the door as it opened.

A man she had never seen before stepped into the room, he wore dark jeans and a black long sleeve v-neck shirt. His dark brown hair was short and he had a cool demeanor about him. A woman slipped into the room behind him, she wore a light green blouse and jeans. Her red hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her features were soft. The woman stepped forward first as she moved around the table and squatted down beside the girl.

"Paige, right?" Paige hesitated before giving a small nod. "I'm Claire and this is my boyfriend Owen. We heard that you may have found a dinosaur." Claire stated as Paige fiddled with her shirt thinking. "We used to work at Jurassic World. We've been helping to find the escaped dinosaurs so it would be helpful if you could tell us about it."

"He's got big teeth." Paige muttered as Owen stepped forward spinning the drawing she was working on earlier.

"Paige is this the dinosaur?" Owen asked picking up the paper and showing it to the little girl. Paige nodded as Claire turned to stare at the image as well. Her eyes snapped to Owen who stood across from her. Claire stood taking the picture from Owen before moving back towards where the six year old was sitting.

"Paige this is a very dangerous dinosaur.... It's killed people."

"Angel has always protected me." Owen chuckled at the name before stepping forward. "He's a raptor isn't he?" Paige asked.

"Kind of. He's called a hybrid, he's what is known as the Indoraptor."

"Like the I-rex?" Paige asked as Owen seemed stunned that she knew that name.

"Sort of. He's really dangerous though Paige. He shouldn't be around people." Owen said as Paige watched the man in front of her.

"Angel won't hurt me and he protects me from anyone who hurt me." Paige mumbled softly as Claire and Owen glanced at each other.

"That maybe true but he is still dangerous. He should be put with his own kind." Claire softly explained, trying to get Paige to understand.

"He's not dangerous. I promise, he's a good dinosaur." Owen scratched at the back of his neck uncertain. Paige could feel the tears daring to leave her eyes as she stared at the two people in front of her. "I can prove it! Take me back to where they found me and I can prove it." Paige stated her voice growing louder as she did, tears threatening to leave her eyes. Owen huffed a breath as Claire glanced at him before he turned and left the room.

They allowed her to leave with Owen and Claire so they could locate the dinosaur. Owen and Claire were silent almost the whole drive, as they made their way back to the park. The soft music was playing in the background and the civilised world slowly disappeared from sight only to be replaced with towering trees and thick undergrowth. The sky was growing dark by the time they got to the parking lot near the park. Owen hesitated before turning off the car, noticing they were the only ones around. Claire got out of the car and opened Paige's door allowing the six year old to leap out of the car.

Paige gazed around the darkening woods, staring up at the colossal trees around her. Her voice hurt from all the shouting she did earlier but she ignored it as she cupped her hands around her mouth screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Angel." Her voice rang out into the dark as Claire walked up behind the little girl. Owen loomed by the vehicle, his hand hovering over the pistol at his hip as he scanned the darkness. "Angel!" Claire hesitantly took a step forward as Paige cried out for the dinosaur again. "They won't hurt you. They... they are my friends." Paige added hoping to coax the monster out.

In truth Owen should have been more prepared for the car to get crushed as the Indoraptor landed on it full force. The glass scattering around the area, and sent a shrill alarm from the machine. Owen leapt backward drawing the gun from its holster as the Indoraptor gave a low growl. It's eyes entirely focused on the man who stood before him.

"Angel." Paige stated as she turned to run towards him only to have Claire grab her, holding her back. The monster's eyes snapped to Paige as it gave off a roar challenging the woman. The raptors tail slammed into the car as its roar echoed through the now silent forest. "Let go of me." Paige cried as the Indoraptor leapt from the car clearing Owen in one bound as the dinosaur slammed down in front of Paige and Claire. Another roar ripped from the monsters throat as Paige slipped from Claire's hold. Rushing up to the dinosaur, his right claw came out wrapping around her pulling her close to him. Turning the Indoraptor faced the two opponents across from him a growl rumbling from his throat.

"Angel?" Paige asked as the monsters eyes turned from the people opposite them, to her. The growling ceased and turned more into a cooing as he nuzzled her slightly. Owen carefully lowered the gun a confused look on his face as he looked at Claire.

"Well..." Owen started.

"I told you he wasn't mean." Paige whispered as she let the dinosaur rub his head on her.
Second to last chapter guys hope you're all enjoying.

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