6 Months Later

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It was supposed to be a simple house to steal from. The parents were out and the six year old and ten year old daughters were asleep on the couch. The three men picked the lock to the main door of the cabin, silently slipping inside. Frozen played on the television, the soft music of the credits filling the room with a bright light and noise. The leader gestured towards the staircase ordering someone to go gather what they could from there. As one of them split off to check upstairs the other moved towards the back rooms and the leader moved around the living room checking everything over.

He quickly moved to the kitchen taking notice of the large butcher knife sitting on the counter, blood from an animal covering the blade. He stumbled a bit catching himself over what he presumed was his own feet at least until he looked down. Large and deep cuts were sliced into the dark wood, almost like something was being dragged across it. Smaller cuts littered the floor, and other marks marred the walls. His throat went dry as he looked around the rest of the kitchen becoming aware that something was very wrong in this house.

"Hello?" A soft voice asked as the man jumped his eyes falling on the six year old girl standing in the doorway to the kitchen. His heart was pounding a thousand times per minute as he stared at the girl. She was rubbing at her eyes, her brown hair falling around her face and her bright blue pajamas clashed with the bright background.


"You're not supposed to be here." Paige stated as the man nodded his head. His sense told him something was very wrong and he swore to god the darkness behind the little girl just moved. A pair of bright red eyes lit up towering above the girl as white teeth became visible. The man's stomach plummeted as the creature extended to full height behind the young girl. A soft smile crossed her lips as she gave a small wave. "You should get your friends and leave." Paige said as the man made to move noticing the other girl awake her left hand on the creatures side.

"And don't you dare think about taking anything." The ten year old snapped as she crossed her arms and the creature growled, a low and guttural sound that rose every hair. The man carefully backed into the living room as the girls followed after and the creature still loomed behind them still in its spot.

"Boys. Leave it all, let's go!" The leader screamed only to hear a soft set of footsteps from behind him come down the hallway. The other man stopped as he attention turned to what his leader was staring at. The monster was moving in front of the television, the light bounced off its slick black hide casting an image of the creature on the back wall. It's teeth sharp and its front claws clicking together, as it eyed the newest person.

"Did one of those stupid kids wake up?" A voice said from upstairs and the creature's growl grew deeper. Moving slowly it gave a hiss as the man came down the stairs stopping dead in his tracks. "The shit is that?" The man muttered.

"This is Angel." Paige started, "And if you want to stay on Angel's good side you are going to leave and not come back." Paige added as the Indoraptor slammed his claws on the ground a roar escaping his throat as the three men screamed running out of the house.

"I thought he was going to kill them?" Maisie said as she looked at Paige. Paige shrugged as she skipped over to the dinosaur getting it to nuzzle her gently.

"I don't think Mom and Dad will be happy if he kills someone in the house." Paige admitted as she jumps back on the couch with Maisie following after. The ten year old stopped scratching the dinosaur's neck and getting it to hum in pleasure before she plopped down beside her sister.

"Angel come on, it's late." Maisie pointed out as the Indoraptor moved around the couch, laying down in front of the television with a thump. He cast one last glance at the front door as headlights fill the living room. The dinosaur huffed a content breath before lowering his head and drifting off to sleep.
This is the end guys. I'm so happy I got to share this story with you! Also book 2 is up.

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