Living Wild

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Paige wasn't certain how long she had been gone but it didn't matter, she had Angel to take care of her. The dinosaur would catch food for her, bringing it back every afternoon once the two had settled in for the day before moving again once night fell. Paige was silent at first not certain what to think of the dinosaur that killed her parents. She wouldn't look at him, forcing Angel to try to get her attention anyway he could. He would nudge her with his nose or grab her by the shirt partly dragging her towards him to sleep.

She screamed the first few times getting him to release her instantly but Angel was persistent. If she wouldn't go by him, he would simply move to her and in truth Paige wanted the warmth against her. Soon civilization started to disappear behind them as they entered lush green pastures and rolling hills. Paige would stare up at the bats as they flew about and the deer in the fields that watched them from afar. Her fingers would dig into the rough skin and grip the thin spikes that littered the dinosaur's neck. Angel was careful as he moved around. He took care to keep out of sight of others, and to keep Paige as safe as he possibly could.

It wasn't until they came upon a new opponent that Paige started to trust Angel again. Angel had gone off hunting not far enough away from her for her to be afraid. She was a bit more concerned when she heard an unfamiliar huffing and puffing of something that wasn't human. The plants bent away revealing the cougars face as a huff came from the creature and Paige slowly slipped from the stump she was sitting on. Angel heard the noise the animal was making and sprinted back towards the girl just as the cougar emerged from the undergrowth hissing with its fur raised. The dinosaur put himself between the cat and Paige as he roared daring the feline to charge. A claw swung out at Angel forcing the dinosaur to move out of the way before lunging forward, his talons ripping into the cats flesh as his jaw clamped down around its neck. A pained cry escaped the feline before it was dropped to the ground dead, Paige watched as Angel stared at the motionless body blood dripping from its mouth. Angel moved to her and sniffed her for a few seconds before Paige raised her arms up to the dinosaur, waiting for it to pick her up.

She rarely left Angel after that often following him along on his hunts but remaining quiet and hidden while watching him catch food for them. Soon enough she started to learn from him and time seemed to blend together. Until the day came that she was found, Angel had left her alone as he would sometimes do when hunting something dangerous. He would always come back with food, so she did not worry at his absence.

She waited for what felt like hours but she remained beside a tree twisting plants together when she heard footsteps. Paige looked up in shock at a man and woman coming down the trail, she was directly in their line of sight and they were staring at her. Paige's, clothes were torn and dirty. Her hair was wild and sticking out in all directions but she stared boldly at the two of them as they squatted down to get eye level with the girl.

"Are you lost?" The woman asked her voice so soft it reminded her of the blankets on her bed. Paige turned her attention to the surrounding area but could not sense the dinosaur near her at the moment.

"No." Paige admitted as the man gave his partner a concerned look.

"How about we get you something to eat and some clean clothes." The man suggested as Paige shook her head no. She had to wait for Angel to come back, he never left her. These were people though, he didn't interact well with other humans besides her. Paige hesitated as the woman leaned over and picked her up off the ground, and she started to struggle trying desperately to get out of the woman's arms. A scream ripped from her throat as she kicked and clawed at the hands around her.

"ANGEL!" Paige screamed as the man grabbed her from the woman. She kept struggling, fighting as those people started moving back towards the trail. Her eyes scanned the forest desperately searching for the dark skin and scales that she knew. She wanted her Angel, she wanted her comfort back. Soon enough they were leaving the woods behind as people gathered around them on phones taking video or talking. Panic rose in Paige as she bit down into the man's arm, something that she had seen Angel do many times before. Any creature that Angel bit, would scream and cry before eventually collapsing to the ground with a thump. Her teeth though were not like Angel's, she didn't have sharp teeth and the strength of the dinosaur. Fear tears through her like claws as she sees more people running forward dressed in uniforms moving towards her. People were yelling and asking questions, surrounding her and she couldn't see Angel.

"ANGEL! Where are you? Help Me!" Paige shouted at the top of her lungs but she knew the creature wouldn't come to her calls. He wouldn't risk himself or her, Paige knew he would get her at a different time. That didn't make her any less afraid however, tears were starting to stream down her face as she was passed to the two officers who stood in front of her. Her screams became louder and more panicked as she tried to escape the hands around her. Softly they murmured to her as they tried to calm the frantic child. Her fear became reality as they carried her towards the cruiser and she dug her nails, and teeth into the man's arms. They continued to speak quietly to her, reassuring her that she was safe but she screamed again her throat starting to hurt from the cries.

The door shut behind her as she was set inside locking her up like an animal, as she tried to open the door to no avail. The officers turned their attention to the crowd of people that had gathered and Paige moved to the other side of the cruiser her eyes scanning the foliage of the forest. She was shaking in panic but desperately searched for something familiar, anything that her mind could latch onto and she got it. Paige saw the movement the black skin barely noticeable under the green undergrowth. The red eyes break through the lush vegetation, as Angel takes a slow and careful step towards the vehicle. Paige lights up at the sight of the dinosaur as she glances over her shoulder noticing people starting to disperse. Her heart plummets, before she snaps her attention back to Angel only to see the creature hesitate and step back into the thicket. Paige starts pounding on the glass trying to tell the monster to help her but she knows he won't. The front door pops as the driver gets in and she starts panicking again, her fists slamming on the glass in front of her as another scream tears from her throat. She knew by the end of this she would have no voice.


So the entire story is written so it will be uploaded pretty frequently. 

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