School Day

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Paige was a little worried about school that morning as she had to coax Angel away from the door. He had to allow her to get back to her room and get ready before her parents got up. With a grumble the dinosaur got up his body still pressed against the door not wanting the child to leave his protection. Reaching up she patted his side before finally convincing him to allow her to slip past him. Rushing to the house she entered quickly taking care to be extra quiet this morning as she got dressed and gathered her things. The bus would be there soon enough, as she finished brushing out her hair and sprinting out the back door. Saying that she would be back later she told angel not to get into trouble before running around the house to catch the bus that sat at the end of the street. Sitting in her seat she watched as her house disappeared around the corner her stomach doing uneasy flips.

What if he got out? What if her dad went to the shed? What if someone found him? What if he ate something he wasn't supposed to?

Shaking her stupid thoughts from her head she pulled her backpack on her lap and dug out the dinosaur book once again. He was a dinosaur and given everything that she read he was a carnivore. A velociraptor maybe?

"What are you reading there?" A voice from over the seat called her attention away from the page. Sucking in a sharp breath Paige turned to look at Charles Tucker who was smirking at her. The eight year old always picked on her and he always called her a freak because she loved animals so much.

"Leave me alone." Paige mumbled before returning her attention back to the book in her hands. The book was roughly yanked from her grip as Charles laughed as he looked at the page she was reading.

"Velociraptors? Aww did you find the rest of your family." Charles chuckled.

"Give it back!" Paige shouted as she attempted to grab the book from him only to get a shove in the chest that sent her nearly sprawling into the aisle. The book clattered to the ground beside her a few moments later as he dropped the book.

"Charles Tucker you better behave." The bus driver yelled as the boy slid back into his seat. Gathering herself and her book Paige returned to her seat stuffing the book back into her bag. Pulling the backpack closer to her chest she looked out the window as the bus stopped in front of the school. Everyone started getting off as Paige waited for the others to leave before sliding from her seat.

"You alright Paige?" Mr. Brown asked as Paige gave him a nod.

"I'm okay. Thank you." Paige mumbled before getting off the bus and rushing into the building. She ran down the hall and into her classroom swinging her backpack off as she went.

"Good morning Mrs. Smith." Paige called as she pulled out her book and drawing of Angel. The brown haired woman turned to look at the child who called her name. The curls in her brown hair framed her face as her teacher leaned down to look at Paige who was walking up to her. Today Mrs Smith wore a pretty green skirt wrinkling around her waist and a  white blouse, she always wore pretty colors.

"Paige, dear what happened to your lip?" Mrs. Smith asked a little worry in her voice.

"I fell yesterday and I accidentally bit my lip." Paige stated with practiced ease. Holding out the page she allowed the woman to gaze at the image. "Is this a dinosaur?" She asked as Mrs. Smith smiled.

"Well what were you trying to draw?" Mrs. Smith questioned as she took the drawing from the girl to study it further.

"I... I don't know... I thought it was a velociraptor..." Paige muttered as she shuffled her feet.

"Velociraptors don't have arms like this though honey." Mrs. Smith pointed out, "or spikes? Paige what is this?"

"I saw it on T.V. and I didn't know what it was. So I wanted to ask you." Paige admitted as she watched the woman scan the paper over a bit more studying the drawing as best she could.

"It could be a new dinosaur, but the island was destroyed during the volcano explosion." Mrs. Smith stated as she looked the creature over again. "How about you go sit down and I will see if I can find anything out during recess?" Paige nodded rushing to her seat as Mrs. Smith set the drawing down on her desk. Clearing her throat Mrs. Smith looked her class over as they settled down and started to the first lesson of the day.

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