Chapter 17: Take a Breather

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Sonic was laid on a bed in the infirmary. He had been unconscious for forty minutes at this point and everyone was extremely worried. Rotor and Bunnie had carried him and stayed while Sally and Antoine made sure Tails was okay.

The moment Tails was confirmed okay, though, Sally, Antoine, and Tails all rushed over to see how Sonic was doing. Tails's arm was in a cast and covered with various burn heals.

He asked, "Is Sonic okay?"

Bunnie smiled softly and nodded, "Don't you worry about a thing, Tails. The doctor said old Sugar-Hog was just stressed out. All he needs is a little rest and he'll be up and at'em in no time."

Tails sighed.

Rotor continued for Sally's sake, "The doctor told us he's been through a lot lately, with his uncle and the emeralds and Tails and Robotnik. He developed a stress fever and needs to sleep it off. Might take a day or two."

Sally nodded, "So, we're on hold with the emeralds until then."

Antoine asked, "How many are we having, mon princess?"

Sally counted in her head, "Well, including the one Tails got, we have five now. Robotnik has one. So, that means there's only one left to find."

Tails spoke up, "Yellow told me that the last one is tricky. It's the emerald of instincts and sentience, so it'll be where it can find animals. Unfortunately, for us, that means it'll be, literally, anywhere. Animals are everywhere."

Sally nodded, "Okay, I have an idea that'll let Sonic rest and give us a leg up on its location. I'll talk to the leaders of the other Freedom Fighter groups. See if anyone around can spot the emerald. With how many groups there are and how scattered we all are, we may be able to find it fast."

Bunnie beamed, "Alright, Sally-Girl! Great thinking!"

Sally gazed at Sonic. He was snoring quite heavily.

She went to go talk to the other Freedom Fighter groups, but before she did, she told Rotor, "Tell me when he wakes up. Okay?"

Rotor nodded and Sally left.

Bunnie put a hand on Tails's non-injured arm, "Why don't you get some rest too, Tails? You were up all night and got really hurt."

Tails nodded and jumped onto Sonic's chest.

Bunnie chuckled, "I meant in your room."

Tails shook his head, "I'm not leaving until Sonic wakes up and he's okay. I'm staying."

Bunnie kept a patient smile, "Come on. Let's go, Honey."

Tails hugged Sonic tighter, "No. I'm not leaving."

Rotor told Bunnie, "I'll watch him. Make sure he doesn't wake Sonic."

Bunnie nodded and left to go talk to Sally.


Sally had just finished her audience with the other Freedom Fighter groups. They knew to look out for an emerald, but not to touch it.

She sighed. So much had happened in such a short amount of time. She'd gotten her father and grandfather, her best friend's uncle was a traitor and so were his dead parents, and now they're looking for gems that can destroy the world.

Bunnie voiced behind her, "You okay, Sally-Girl?"

Sally jumped and looked back at Bunnie, "Oh, hey."

Bunnie chuckled, "Sally-Girl, you look as jumpy as a frog with a rash. What's got your goat?"

Sally sighed, "Oh, I don't know... I guess I'm just... A lot has happened. I'm burning out too."

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