Book of moons: 2. Outside

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The girl was walking down the hallway, she had part of her head bandaged and was surrounded by her classmates. Elijah looked at the group and how they were trying to make her feel better by joking around or talking about the new organic juice bar near the academy. The one who had hit her was nowhere to be seen.

He also saw some of his mates got close to her. But no one was talking about the reason of the attack, maybe it was too personal of a topic or it may have seen as insensitive. Antonio was with him, he also noticed the movements.

It was already afternoon and the classes ended. Delightful sun rays went through the tall glass windows.

"I'm so sorry, but Ican't take the Metro with you today. I have some stuff to do."Antonio declared raising his voice a bit to be heard over the voices of the fellow apprentices.

"No problem, I know theway. Tomorrow at the same hour at the exit?" Responded the other mountain boy.

Antonio smiled and waved his hand, while disappearing in the crowd. He looked like he was in ahurry.

Elijah adjusted a bit his neck while he went out in the sun, that kind of weather was something new for him, the temperature was warm too. It was the perfect day to relax in the fields that were part of the Santa Deos grounds, but he was biased in favor of staying indoors. He got his ticket and entered the tube.

In the exact same stop as yesterday, the small group of Outsiders entered just in front of him. They still wore bright clothes and matching facepaint. They weren't blasting any music. Elijah tried to take a better look, but trying to stay unnoticed. No much could be said, all of them were covered from head to toe with fabric, pvc and makeup. They were talking to each other, seeming to be having some innocent fun at the moment.

Elijah had no experience with Outsiders. He always heard things, mostly rumors about them. He heard about them being from a region beyond the Holy kingdom, he also heard that they were the sons and daughters of heretics... The misinformation regarding them was wild and each statement was crazier than the one before. But all of the claims had something in common: They were mostly violent, lustful and unreliable by all means.

The pupil kept looking a tthem. The two times he saw them, they proved to just enjoy the moment by themselves. They joked just like any other kind of people would do, maybe they were flashy and quite the bizarre bunch, however, they did look like they were quite the funny ones to hang out with. He personally wouldn't do that himself.

He raised his head to the digital banners inside the wagon, where news were displayed. His whole body froze as he read "Golden crest preacher, found dead by the riverside by self-inflicted wounds."

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