Book of moons: 6.5. The science nut

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Elijah jumped from his seat, his face had turned red.

"No way, you must be joking. I refuse."

His entire assistance record had already been tainted his first week of classes, he nervously stomped to his room and slammed the room while his eyes started to tear up. He decided to seek refuge  in the books he had.

Urielstood in the kitchen and shuffled around some of his papers without making a sound. He massaged his temples gently and moved some of his messy hair backwards in order to have a clearer view.

The doorbell rang, Elijah's head raised slowly.

The blond was the one who opened, with his back leaned towards the wall.

"Um....Is Elijah, okay?"

"Yeah,he just woke up. "

"Thisis for him u-um..." He handed some sheets with shaky hands.

"Antonio?"Asked a voice coming from the hallway. Uriel opened the door a bitmore for them to see at each other. Both of the northeners faces seemed to brighten up when this happened.

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