Chapter 2

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Jason watched as the little girl ate her ice cream. He was glad he decided to take the child with him. She would prove very useful.

"So Vic, how old are you again?"

"Six" She smiled and took another lick from her ice cream cone.

"Have you ever been to Europe?"

The little girl shook her head.

The man inwardly smiled. Perfect. She didn't know anything about where he was going to take her or what she would become. Hydra would have many plans for her when he returned.

"Growing up fast." He laughed.

The little girl smiled and finished eating her ice cream after a few more minutes.

"Ready to go?" He ask.

"Where are we going?" An excited gleam shown in her eyes.

"To the airport." He said standing up and lifting her up into his arms.

"Fun!" She smiled.

After a day of travelling, Jason carried the sleeping child off the plane and into a car. The little girl slept through the trip through the Siberian plain. She woke up as the car parked outside of an old Cold War bunker.

"What's this place?"

The man smiled as he entered a code to get into the structure. "Home."

The doors opened slowly and he walked in with the child. "These people will be here to take care of you when I am not here. You have to follow every rule. Understand?"

The little girl nodded and looked around

Before Jason could tell her anything else, a scream broke out through the bunker and echoed off the walls.

"What's that?" Vic asked curiously.

"One of our best." Jason smiled brightly. "The Winter Soldier."

The pained screams of the soldier never seemed to cease as she went down the hall to her 'room' that held a small cot and nothing more.

"We'll start your training tomorrow. You have so much potential."

The innocent little girl didn't understand what he meant behind those words.

Not yet, anyway.

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