Chapter 3

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Morning came quickly in the harsh climate of Siberia. It was five o'clock when Jason strolled down the cold corridors to wake the sleeping child he had brought the day before.

"Vic, it's time to wake up." Jason called, opening her door and softly shaking her awake.

The little girl hesitantly rubbed her eyes to adjust to the light, and hugged Jason when she saw him. "Good morning!"

Jason smiled and gave her a grey short sleeved shirt and sweat pants. "There's someone I'd like you to meet."

The little girl nodded and got dressed quickly, meeting Jason outside of her room, which in all honesty was a cell, and began walking down the musty hallways.

"Remember when I told you about the guy making noise?"

"Yes sir."

"You're going to meet him today."

The little girl started to bounce with excitement. Jason glanced at her uneasily. Nobody should be excited to meet a murderer. Especially one as dangerous as he. Jason instructed the girl to stand behind him as he entered another code into a pad on the wall. A small panel opened and revealed a thin red book. A black star adorned the books cover and though it was worn, it was still visible.

"What's that?" Her voice was soft as she spoke.

"Just something to help our friend." Jason led her into a room that was well lit. Military officials were standing in their stations and in the middle of the room sat a man.

Vic noticed how the tips of his hair were frozen and his skin was pale. She noticed the dead look in his eyes. She especially noticed that the mans left arm was different from the right. It had a star insignia on the side of his shoulder.

"Why won't he say hello?" Vic asked curiously.

"He's not allowed to speak. One of many consequences people can face when stating here. The same goes for you."

Victoria couldn't help but stare at the mans left arm. She'd never seen anything like it and she doubted that she'd forget it.

"Vic, I'm going to have you step out for a moment. Can you follow this man outside of the room?"

"Jason, why'd you even bring her in here? You know that he's dangerous."

"I know what I'm doing Brock. Just take her outside so I can start the process. I have new orders from Schmidt."

Brock looked at the child and gave her a small smile. "C'mon kid."

Vic did what she was told and followed Brock outside of the room.

Jason nodded at one of the facility's many employees and the man in the center of the room visually tensed. A headpiece swung from above and ensnared the mans head in a secure grip. The small crackle of electricity reverberated through the room and the silent man began to scream in pain.

"Longing, Rusted, Seventeen, Daybreak, Furnace, Nine, Benign, Homecoming, One, Freight Car." Each world that left Jason's lips only made the man scream louder until he reached the final word.

Outside, Brock was entertaining the little girl by talking about her favorite things. When he heard the screaming stop he took that as the cue to take the girl back in.


"Yes sir!" She smiled happily.

Brock led her back inside. When Victoria took another look at the man, she felt a change in him. His face had more color and his eyes held a dark hue.

"Soldier, this is a new recruit. You are to help her train and build up strength. Understood?"

The man nodded and looked at the girl for a moment and nodded.


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