The choices we make

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Suuuuuper long oneshot. Like seriously. 4,066 words long.

I had no idea I had it in me. Huh.


Peter was adopted by Tony Stark when he was fifteen. The Avengers find out that he's Spiderman months later. Tony wants him to stop being the vigilante. Harsh words are exchanged, and Peter disappears, not telling anyone where he's going. Months later, the Avengers come up against the fight of their lives. When almost the entire team is down, with Tony severely injured, will Spiderman come to the rescue?


Tony Stark's visor opened, the inventor grinning at Peter. "Why don't you ever take of your mask?" He asked casually.

Peter shrugged, affecting a slight accent. "I have my reasons. Numero uno being I don't want to. Hiding my identity saves me from hassle when I'm a civilian."

Tony gave him a quizzical glance. "Okay then. Why don't you come back to the tower? My kid would love to meet you. He's a big fan."

Peter exhaled. "Nah. I'm good. Anyways, I've got places to be, trains to catch. You know. See you when the city is in danger!" He did a backflip over the edge, falling several stories then shooting a web and swinging off.

He made it to Stark tower before anyone else, climbing in the window, changing into normal clothes, and hiding his suit.

"Hey Fri. Anyone here?"

The AI responded cheerfully. "No Peter. You are the first one back."

Peter rolled his eyes. "So slow."


Several minutes later the AI alerted Peter that the team was re-entering the building.

He rolled over, sitting up and grabbing his phone.

3 missed calls from Tony Stark

Peter sighed, rubbing his eyes. He'd been out late on patrol last night, and had barely gotten any sleep.

A knock came on the door. "Pete? You in there?"

Peter walked to the door, opening it to see Tony.

Tony frowned. "What happened?"

Peter raised his eyebrow. "Happened?"

Tony gestured at his cheek. "Look in the mirror, kid."

Peter made his way to the bathroom, eyes widening when he saw a dark bruise.

When he came back out, Tony was sitting on his bed. "So, what happened? Was it Flash again?"

Peter looked down. "Yeah."

Tony squeezed his shoulder. "You know you don't have to let him do that to you. I could always pay for him to be sent to a correctional facility, you know."

Peter grinned halfheartedly. "I don't think that would work very well. Thanks, but I'm fine."

Tony sighed. "Well, come on down. Its Steve's night to cook, and the team is starving. Don't make them wait on you or I'll have to sweep you off the floor."

Peter grinned again. "Okay. I'll be down in a minute."


Peter entered the kitchen to find people yelling. Wanda and Nat were staying out of it.

Tony and Steve were glaring at each other, while Bucky and Sam were trying to reason with them. Clint had his hearing aids out, and was watching the commotion while eating.

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