The end of an Era.

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Endgame spoilers.

Though this is an AU, it will have some canon compliant scenes along with dialogues from the movie.

Just not- *shivers* that scene.

Anyway, I'm still on hiatus for this book, but I had this idea, so...


So this is an AU where Tony got dusted instead, and so Peter and Pepper still go to live at the cabin, away from the world, Pepper was already pregnant with Morgan, so they raise her, Peter being the best big brother, and then Steve comes, yadda yadda...

I did the scenes of Tony and Morgan, except it's Peter and Morgan, so the 'ILY 3000' is them, so is the '2nd chance right here', and AGHHH MY BABIES.

Anywho, this idea came to me, and wouldn't stop niggling at my brain til I wrote it, so have this 5k oneshot about an alternate endgame scenario.

Sorry for the long author's note, but here, without further ado,

*dramatic drumroll*

The End Of Infinity

Dun dun dun daaaaaaaaa.

Okay, I'll stop now.

Or will I?

*evil laughter*

All right, all right.

Here you go, my lovelies.

The day on Titan was lodged in his memory.

He had never been so afraid in his life.

Not when he was fighting the Titan, more afraid then at the warehouse, he was terrified.

He had heard a soft gasp, as the guardians disappeared, and had turned to see his dad looking at his hands before reaching for Peter. His eyes- he had been scared.

"Dad?" He had choked. "No. Please- please don't leave me. Please don't go- please-"

But he had, with Peter's name on his lips, he had disappeared.

And Peter was alone, fingers gripping the hard dirt of the alien planet.

Until a blue, mechanical alien approached him, the one who had fought with them, and knelt. "We must go. I promised your father I would keep you safe."

"He isn't- he isn't gone, he can't be-" the words cut deep, and he couldn't hold back a sob. He's gone.

"He said you were his son. And I promised to care for you. Come."

Her touch was gentle as she lifted him to his feet, helping him stumble towards the ship. "He said there were others waiting on Terra."

On day eight in the empty wasteland of space, he curled up in a ball as hunger pangs raced through his stomach.

On day thirteen, he played paper football with the blue woman, Nebula, and smiled softly when she lit up like Christmas lights the first time she won.

On day eighteen, she gave him the last of the rations.

It was day twenty three when they ran out of oxygen.

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