Nice work kid.

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Endgame spoilers.



That's all I can say.

Happy pain though.

Sort of.

Just... read... yeah.



"Mr Stark?"

He stumbled across the ruined metal and charred sand, horror clogging his throat.

"We won, Mr Stark, we won."

Crumpling to the ground beside the still body, hot tears burning his eyes and leaving wet streaks in the dust on his face.

"Tony please."

Lifting the ruined hand to his cheek, biting back sobs that refuse to stop.

"Please Tony."

Vacant eyes gazing back at him.

"Please don't leave me."

Then he's being pulled back, wrapped in strong arms as he watches the scene unfold in front of him.

Pepper kneels beside the still body of his mentor. "We'll be okay. You can rest now."

"No," Peter sobs. "Mr Stark, please!"

The blue light flickers one last time, then it's gone. Faded out of existence.

Peter crumples, legs no longer supporting his weight, slamming into the ground as whoever is holding him grunts in surprise, grip loosening.

"Please, Tony please don't go- please-" the dam breaks, and he's sobbing, harder than he's ever cried before, great ugly sobs clawing their way out of his throat and he can't see through the blur of tears, a refrain running through his mind.


Don't go.

Don't leave me.


Don't go.

Don't leave me.


"You can rest now."

That's all he could hear before everything went black.

"You can rest now."

Apparently not, he gripes inwardly.

Because he's Anthony heckin Stark, of course he can't die properly.

He just has to botch it up somehow, doesn't he? The one thing he wanted to do for the good of everyone(not the first, actually), and he screws it up.

And by screws it up, he means waking up in some weird place that's orange colored, water being the surface, that somehow, he could walk on.

Just great.

And to make it even better, Natasha is standing in front of him.

Her eyes are furious, and before he could react, she slapped him across the face.

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