❀|K. shinguiji 🌌 beauty 🌌

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~~ Sorry if this isn't what you wanted but I hadn't seen any korekiyo stories like this so I wanted to make one! ~~

Your talent = ultimate sweetheart
F/J/S = favorite jewellery shop

Your P.O.V

I was walking through my village, carrying my basket of Lillies which i just picked for my sick Grandma, I wasn't really looking where I was going, which was often a big problem for me, because I'm the ultimate sweetheart...i gain a lot of attention from...the weird men...living here. I've also heard there's a rumor about a man who seduces ladies and kills them! So I've got to try and be more careful!

" aa I'm so sorry!" I squeaked out, looking down kinda embarrassed

" ah it's fine, miss...." he trailed off, seeming to want my name

" Miss L/N, Y/N L/N!"

" My name is Korekiyo Shinguji, it's such a pleasure to meet such a beautiful human like you~" I blushed and looked up, and this man....he was very well...attractive...his long flowing hair....his piercing golden eyes...

Then I had a pretty smart idea...if I do say so myself...I mean I'm the ultimate sweetheart...he can't say no to my request!
" U-Um so korekiyo...I was wondering if you'd maybe like to...go to the coffee shop with me!" I nearly slapped myself....God dammit I'm such a big idiot.
" kukukuku...." his laugh was so...captivating....how had this man who I've just met manged to make me feel this way! It's supposed to be the other way around! I'm the ultimate sweetheart not him!
" That would be divine..."
" heh Follow me! I'll show you where it is!" I started walking back the direction I'd came from, we made small talk along the way but I still felt strange around him...like I'd melt at his touch...

After a short while, we had arrived at the coffee shop and were sitting at a table, he stood up and i tilted my head and asked if he was alright.

He shook his head " I-I just need to step outside for a bit, please remain where you are, for i will be back soon my beauty.." he seemed flustered so I let him leave 

Korekiyo's P.O.V

i briskly walked away from my little date with the beautiful Y/N, i felt my sister trying to talk to me, so i had to leave...i already knew what she was going to ask me, but i knew i couldn't bring myself to do it, we just met but i feel a strong bond between us, it would be foolish to throw something like that away

" my,my korekiyo you do seem rather interested in that young specimen Y/N..." My sister scolded me angrily.

" indeed i have dear sister of mine, I'm truly sorry but she is in no shape to be your friend..." 

"...and why's that?" she hissed

" I can't tell you..."

" Korekiyo, i believe you can..." 

I ignored her, she can't control me, these sudden feelings for Y/N make me wonder if i ever loved my sister at all... I returned back to her, she looked quite bored, how rude of me to leave such a lady waiting

" Y/N, i need you to follow me...I'm sorry for keeping you occupied but i would like to get you something as an apology."

Your P.O.V

" N-no you really don't have too i mean.." i stuttered and trailed off, he really didn't need to get me anything, i mean being here, helped me to understand my feelings more, i have the symptoms of love at first sight...how childish, whilst i was busy with my thoughts, i noticed his hand was stretched out to me

" Please, I insist.." I shakily grabbed his hand and he helped me up, he linked his arm in mine, most likely so i didn't get lost or wonder off somewhere and we headed off down a familiar street , we stopped right outside f/j/s, I let out a gasp

" n-no way..." i muttered to myself as i watched him going inside.

" I'll just be a minute my sweet Y/N, please be patient.." 

I waited for a few minutes or so, and he came out with a box 

" K-Korekiyo y-you didn't have t-" I was mid sentence when he reached one of his fingers out to my lip to silence me, a slight blush slithered across my knee,

" please close your eyes.." he whispered into my ear. I did as i was told and i felt something grab my hand. He told me it was okay to open them and he was on one knee in front of me. He slid a ruby encrusted ring gently up my finger, i couldn't believe what was happened, before i could process it, he pulled down his mask, revealing his fluorescent red lipstick, and he placed a kiss on my hand

" I hope i have the pleasure of meeting you again sometimes...miss Y/N" He walked past me, slipping a box into my pocket, inside the box was a piece of paper with his number scribbled on

Aaa i hope this was good! Feel free to request!

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