❀|A.Yonaga 🙏Shrine 🙏

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Talent: Ultimate Shrine Maiden

S/N : Shrine name


I was busy cleaning one of the statues on the outside of the shrine when i heard a familiar voice next to me.

" Oh, hello Miss Yonaga!" I bowed to her and she giggled, i tilted my head, what did she find so funny?

" Atua says to call me Angie!" Ah, atua, that's the god which she comes here everyday without fail to see, she never fails to come, not even on her birthday or Christmas, i do quite enjoy her company, i must admin.

" Sorry, as the maiden of S/N, it's obliged that i call you Miss. Yonaga." She shrugged at me and went inside, presumably to wherever the statue of atua was, I have quite a lot of gods at the shrine so it's very difficult to remember where each of them are.

When i was finished cleaning, i headed back to the storage closet so that i could put the utensils that i used back.

After coming out of the storage closet, i passed Angie on the way back to my office, she called for me to come over and pray with her, i thought it would seem rude not to, and would make the gods dissapointed so i agreed and kneeled down next to her in front of a small cat-like statue. 

I closed my eyes and put my hand together to show respects and i prayed the usual things, for luck to be on my side, for all the people i care about to be safe, and i even found myself praying about something i never thought I'd do, i prayed that me and Miss Yonaga would somehow get closer, they probably wouldn't hear me, but it was nice thinking there was a chance.

I winced at the bright light when i opened my eyes again and i glanced towards her, I'd never realised how pretty she was...her smooth luscious white locks of hair...her,,, revealing clothing... It may be unholy of me...but i think I've developed a crush on someone who I don't really even know that well...how sinful....but maybe we have some sort of spiritual connection? we must, I've never felt this strongly about someone in my life, not even for a god.

" Is there something on my face? " She poked her cheek and i stood up, wiping down my maiden outfit and shaking my head.

" No, i was just deep in though, my apologies" I left the room and went to the office, the shrine closes in 5 minutes so that means I'll need to get back home soon.


When i stepped through my door i saw a letter on the floor, i didn't normally get a lot of post so i was unsure of what it could be. I opened it up and to my surprise it was a letter of acceptance! Apparently i was going to start being a student at Hopes peak academy as The ultimate shrine maiden! It's like a dream come true!

But...If i leave to go to hopes peak academy..that means i won't be able to look over the shrine anymore...i won't be able to be a shrine maiden if I'm not with my shrine..

I'm stumped...i have no clue what i should do...the shrine is so sacred to me... do i really want to go to this school? 

I decided that i would go back to the shrine and seek the gods for advice. 

I sighed as i stepped back outside and the cold hit my face, I made my way over to the shrine, i didn't live far away so i got there in about 10 minutes.

 I creeped inside so i didn't disturb the peace, and i went over to the god we called atua, i placed my hand on it's head and asked it for guidance on what i should do 

" Do i leave the shrine and go to Hopes peak academy or do i stay here with you..?" I whispered, hoping fate would steer me towards my destiny, i stayed there for i don't know how long, could've been days but i waited until i got my answer, it wasn't one that i expected but i knew it was right.

Bigger timeskip

The time was 5am, and I had woken up extra early so i could go to the shrine and say goodbye, i put on my shrine maiden uniform, put my hair into a plait ( IF YOU KNOW WHICH ANIME GIRL IM HINTING AT ILY) and rushed out of the door, obviously with my school bag because i knew I'd be at the shrine for a few hours.

I started thanking each of the gods individually for always guiding me along the right path and for always being there for me, and before i knew it, it was time to leave, i took a deep breath and closed the doors.

" Goodbye." I bowed to the building and the shrines and felt as if i could hear them saying goodbye back to me. I smiled and i made my way to hopes peak academy. 

Everyone was already inside by the time i got there because, they didn't want me to get flustered on my first day so i was told to come in later. I walked over to where the principals office was and he toured me around, then i arrived at my classroom, i could hear what was going on from inside so i was told to come in when i heard 

" We have a new student today " After somewhat 2 minutes, i was allowed to enter the classroom, there were about sixteen students in there, each of them seeming very unique, all of their eyes were glued on me and then i noticed that she was in the classroom.

" It is a pleasure to meet you all, my name Is Y/N L/N and I am the Ultimate Shrine Maiden." I bowed to the class and went to my assigned seat, which with the luck of atua was directly next to Angie.

" Well, you're not obliged to call me Miss Yonaga anymore now are you?" she smiled at me and i let a chuckle slip out.

" I guess not,... Angie" 

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