❀|R. Amami 🌷 admire 🌷

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talent; not mentioned


Your P.O.V

I  woke up to the sound of my alarm tearing through the silence, i groaned as i trudged out of bed, and threw on my school attire, i headed into the bathroom to sort out my hair, i decided to curl it so it would look nice and maybe catch the eyes of my crush..Rantaro! My heart goes all fuzzy when i think about him and i get all sorts of butterflies, but  he never notices my attempts... i sighed and brushed my teeth, I heard a knock at my door, so i flung all my stuff in my bag and burst out the door.

" Hey Y/N, you seem excited today, did something happen?" the green haired boy chuckled , his hand resting on his hip

" Nope I'm just happy today!" i flashed him a smile and we began walking on our route to school, on the way there we also picked up our best friends and couple Shuichi and Kaede! Once we were together Kaede kept giving me smug glances as i talked with Rantaro, i rolled my eyes playfully as we arrived at school, just before the bell went off, we rushed to our lockers, and we said goodbye to the others as me and Rantaro rushed off to our biology class.

I never really paid attention in this class kinda because it's such a boring topic but mostly because Rantaro sat in front of me, most of the time i just stared at him from behind, i don't know how but he'd never actually caught me, he'd probably think i'm a weirdo of something if he did though. Biology had finished quicker than i figured and i didn't actually write down any of the important notes but i have more important matters, i said goodbye to Rantaro as i headed off to my next class.

After 3 more boring classes it was finally lunch break! I went over to the table where my friends normally sit but Kaede was the only one there, i asked where the other two were and she just shrugged in response. we spent most of lunch just gossiping or cracking jokes, just normal girl stuff but i couldn't get him out of my mind, where was he...?


Rantaro's P.O.V

Me Shuichi and Kaede were waiting for Y/N to arrive, when suddenly Shuichi pulled me off somewhere with him 

" H-hey where are you taking me?" i questioned him, he ignored me and nodded at Kaede who giggled at us as i found myself outside near the garden area

" Now Rantaro, promise me you won't tell me any lies" he told me without giving me any context which confused me.

" pfft, I'm not kokichi you know.." i trailed off i was going to ask Shuichi why he'd decided to bring me here but he got to before i could.

" You like Y/N don't you!" he pointed his finger at me and my face turned redder

" Looks like you caught me Mister Detective!" i put my hands up jokingly and a smug smile made it's way on to his face 

"now, listen closely,.." he whispered as he explained his plan to me

Your P.O.V

Finally last period Maths! The only lesson where Shuichi, Kaede, Rantaro and myself are all in the same class, i smiled as me and Kaede walked into class, we saw Rantaro and Shuichi already there, I waved at them, and Kaede hugged Shuichi and kissed his forehead, i was trying my best not to let out an 'awww'. I went over to my seat next to Rantaro trying my best to not stare at his alluring face, the teacher left the room because she was called out to meet someone. Then for some reason Shuichi decided to throw something at Miu, who i never particularly liked so i giggled to myself, Shuichi said it was Kaede so Miu threw something at Kaede and Kaede threw something back which hit someone else, and before you could count to 3 everyone in the classroom was out of control, everything was flying everywhere, something hit me and i let out a small " nyeh!" sound, it was a piece of rolled up paper? I unravelled it, and it was a note it read " Y/N please go to your locker as soon as class ends ~ your admirer", my face light up and i stuffed the note into my pocket, the teacher soon came back into the class and started screaming at us or something, but i wasn't listening i was busy thinking about who would've given me the note, it was most likely a prank or something. 

The bell for end of day finally rang and we all gradually left, i told Kaede, Shuichi and Rantaro to go off without me because i had somewhere to go, I ran off to my locker, and i opened it, inside was yet another note, this one saying " Y/N please meet me at the back of the school, next to the cherry blossom tree~"  Is this real? I'm 100% sure this is just a prank or something. I sighed and placed both the notes in my locker and I made my way to the tree, no one was there? I tilted my head as i got closer, but then, from behind the tree, out came a figure, Rantaro was standing there in front of me, I screamed internally as i approached him, 

" s-so Rantaro why did you w-want me to come over here?" I nervously stuttered as i could feel the butterflies beating against my chest like a drum.

" well Y/N...i wanted to tell you that.... ireallyreallylikeyouandivelikedyouforareallylongtimenowandiwantyoutogooutwithme!" i saw him blushing, he was so cute but WHAT

" w-what...?"

" you heard me, i said i like you silly!" he reached into his pocket and got out a rose which he placed in my hair

" i understand if you do-"

Then i did something i never thought I'd have the courage to do in a million years, i cut him off by gently placing my lips onto his, he was hesitant but soon melted into my kiss.

I smiled " I love you too!"

He laced his hand into mine and grasped it tightly, like he was scared to let go 

" I love you more though!" he started running and pulled me off laughing, i joined in as we both kept on running , running to find our future together.


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