❀|K. shinguiji 🌌 Stalker 🌌

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so Korekiyo is a yandere 

Your talent: Ultimate secret agent


Your p.o.v

The bell for lunch had just rang and i scurried out of the classroom to try and find my friend/major crush Korekiyo! I entered the dining hall and saw him sitting or a far back table, i waved to him and ran up to sit next to him

" Greetings Y/N" his voice was so..entrancing, i couldn't help but fall in love with it

" Heya Kiyo!" I replied, hoping i didn't sound too enthusiastic and weird him out. I grabbed my bento from my school bag and began eating with him, almost as soon as I'd started I got a call from my boss, i groaned and stood up from the table

" Please excuse me, I gotta take this!" i apologised before going into the girls toilets so i could take the call in private.

It turns out i had a new task to take on, it appears there's a boy in my class by the name of Kokichi Ouma, and i need to get close to him and find out information about his organisation, I know what he looks like so this should be pretty easy.

I left the toilets and saw Kokichi sitting by himself, he often played a lot of pranks and he often lied to everybody so he didn't exactly have many friends, i walked up to him and asked if i could sit with him, he looked surprised but he agreed, i got to know him pretty well, he told me somethings about his organisation which were apparently lies but i could see through him. I mean, I've been trained to lie, It's part of my job, he stands no chance against me.

" nishishi soooo why did you want to come and talk with little ol' me Y/nnn" he popped the question finally, I already knew what to say, since I'd prepared it in the toilets 

" w-well it's because I've never really talked to you and i think y-you're pretty cool, and i was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me a-after school!" I looked away from him in an attempt to be nervous 

" nishishi I'd love to!" he smiled at me and we continued chatting about our previous subject. I felt like i could feel someone staring at me, i scanned around the dining hall but i couldn't see anyone so i just shrugged it off.

Korekiyo's P.o.v

After my beloved Y/n had came back from her call, i saw her walking over to....Kokichi...i felt jealousy begin to take over me as i saw her chatting with him, she's being too friendly with him...i don't like this one bit...he better not steal my Y/N from me... I didn't realise how intensely i was staring at her until i realised her looking towards my direction, i quickly looked away hoping she didn't catch me, faithfully she didn't..but i can't allow her to get closer to him...

Your P.o.v

The bell for class to resume went off, so me and Kokichi walked off together, i felt bad that i left Kiyo on his own but it's part of my work and he knows that right? Funnily i never noticed that me and Kokichi sit next to each other, i was probably too focused on my crush but at least it'll help  with my assignment. For the most of class we honestly just chatted, not paying much attention but we wrote down some of the notes so it still counts! After what seemed like a never ending lesson me and Kokichi walked out with each other

" sooo where were you planning on taking me Y/N~" 

" Well i was thinking we could go to this cafe near where i live then maybe visit the park if you wanted too!"

" That sounds great!" 

I smiled and told him to follow me and i led him down to the shop

Korekiyo's P.o.v

....why? why is Y/N still with that imbecile...? First she spends lunch with him...and now she's going out somewhere with him...i can't accept this...he won't get in my way...i won't let him...

I sneakily followed Y/n and that brat to what seemed to be a cafe, i peered through the window at them, not in a way that looked creepy, i tried to be as discrete as possible, after a while they came out....and she took him off somewhere else....hah...i  really don't like this... I made my way to the park behind them and when we arrived I hid behind a grand tree, so i could easy spy and hear them.

Your P.o.v

"I still felt like somebody's watching me" I muttered under my breath so Kokichi wouldn't hear.

" What was that Y/N chan?" what's with the nickname? how perculiar.

" Oh it's nothing i was just talking to myself!" i reassured him and smiled.

After about an hour i decided to wrap things up, I hugged Kokichi goodbye and left so i could report back to my boss.

Korekiyo's p.o.v

" calm down Korekiyo it's okay.." i heard my sisters voice flooding through me..but it wasn't. It's not okay. I must take him out of the equation...

Kokichi's P.ov

I was walking down an alleyway which is a detour to my home when i felt a hand grasp itself over my mouth, i tried pulling it off but the figure standing behind me was much too strong, panic gushed through me before i found myself falling to the ground, a bloodied hole piercing through my chest

The next day

Your P.o.v

The last class for the day had ended, it was still weird how Kokichi didn't come into school today? but he was probably skiving, i mean, it doesn't really matter, i can continue finding more data tomorrow i suppose, i was about to walk out but someone grabbed my arm

" huh, do you want something Kiyo?"

" Y/N...i have something of great importance which i need to tell you.." he got up and started taking me round the back of the school...i don't know how to feel about this, he suddenly grabbed my hands, which caused me to blush deeply..but now i couldn't cover my flushed face so i kind of just looked away from him.

"Y/N.... i wanted to tell you that i love you..." he trailed off...what....ohmygod! I didn't think it was possible but i turned redder than i already was i  didn't know what to do so i jumped onto him and hugged him tightly.

" I'm so happy Kiyo! I've liked you for the longest time now!" i buried my face in his back when i smelt something

"K-Kiyo why is there blood on your-" 

" oh don't worry i just got into a little accident.."

"oh.. well please be more careful next time!"

" kukukuku i will..."

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