1 - Childhood days

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'This world... It's so beautiful, yet so dangerous.' I think to myself. Every day I come out to an open field next to a small nearby town to just lie down and look at the sky.

It's normally so peaceful here, thus giving me peace and quiet to think about whatever I want. I hear footsteps. 'Probably just somebody passing by.' I just continue laying down and keeping to my own thoughts, when I hear running, combined with a groaning noise.

I look up to see a zombie almost double my size coming my way. The closer it came, the stronger my urges to scream became. Before I can open my mouth, I see a blade slice right through the undead creature. An iron sword to be exact.

Wielding the sword is a boy, about my age. Hair as white as snow and eyes as green as the grass surrounding us. He walks over to me while looking around, making sure there are no more monsters around. He now stands directly in front of me and holds out a hand offering to help me up.

"Are you okay?" I take his hand and he pulls me up. 'Wow, he's pretty strong.' I nod and respond, "Y - Yeah I'm good. Thanks for saving me back there. I wasn't paying attention." "It's no problem at all." Silence surrounds us.

"S - So, what's your name?" He asks breaking the silence. "O - Oh it's Maura Chase, but everyone calls me MC. And you are?" "Nathaboulous, although people just call me Nathan sometimes." "Cool." I respond calmly.

"So do you live in that town over there?" I point towards the town and he looks over and responds, "Yep, sure do! Wanna check it out?" "Sure, why not?" We start walking into town and he gives me a small tour. "And this is where I live."

After the tour we sit down at the end of the street on a curb. We just talk a bit, laugh together and tell each other stories about ourselves. I feel a weird, tingly feeling in me when he talks to me. 'It's probably nothing important.' I think to myself and shake off the feeling.

We get up and walk around some more. "Wanna play some hide and seek?" He asks looking excited and hopeful. "Yeah, let's do it!" "Ok!" With that he runs off. I look around the corner where he went. Gone.

I look around me, not finding him anywhere. "Where could he have gone?" I mumble to myself. Lost in thought I feel something touching me. "Boo!"

I scream and jump out of fright. He nearly breaks down laughing while I try and catch my breath. "Oh hey, what's that over there?" He turns around and asks, "What's what?" I take the chance and kick him in the butt. "Ouch!" "That's for scaring me." "Fair enough." As he says that a blue-ish figure runs down the street in our direction. I watch as he passes by, nearly bumping into us. 'How rude!' I think.

Next second I turn back around and see Nathan falling over suddenly. I gasp when I see why...

Hey peeps! As promised, here's the first official part of my new story! What do you guys think happened just now? Besides being left with a cliffhanger of course...

Oh what the heck! You guys will find out anyway, cuz I'll be uploading again tomorrow... So, see you guys soon!

Later fam!😉

A love story with Nathaboulous [DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now