9 - Details, details

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*The next morning*

I woke up with a smile on my face. I look up at the ceiling and think back at everything that happened last night. The thing with all those zombies still boggles my mind, but I try not to worry about it too much though. I sit up straight in my bed, but then screaming and falling out of it out of fright.

"Morning!" A voice yells at me. I groan a bit in pain and look up to see none other than Ash, sitting on the edge of my bed. "What was that for?" "Oh, no reason. I just came to tell you to get up and get dressed, cuz you and I are gonna go check out this super cool new place I found yesterday." "What new place?" "Oh you'll see." She put a wide smirk on her face, officially scaring me a bit. "O - Okay." I say a bit hesitant.

Next second my door swings open with a loud boom, revealing an exhausted Nathan. "What happened?! I heard screaming and literally jumped out of my bed and rushed over here. Are you girls alright?" Ash just smiles and responds, "Perfectly fine. I was just telling MC to move her butt out of bed cuz I'm taking her out for a girls day out." The room falls silent for a moment. Nathan just stares at me and Ash in confusion and says, "Okay then. Have fun, I guess."

"Oh, we will..." I just sit still, almost cowering in fear. Nathan then slowly leaves. Ash looks at me and says, "Well come on, we're not getting any younger here ya know!" "Yeah yeah, I'll meet you downstairs." With that she leaves and closes the door behind her. I get up and get dressed in comfortable clothes. 'What is she up to this time? Where are we even going? Well, guess I'll have to just, go and find out for myself.' I think to myself as I leave my room and go downstairs.

Ash is sitting at the table waiting. As soon as she sees me she jumps up and runs to me. She grabs me by the arm and is nearly dragging me out the door. "Let's go!" She says excitedly. After some time of walking we arrive at a cliffside a few miles or so away from the town. "Wow, this looks amazing! How did you find this?" I keep looking at the surrounding area in awe.

"Well, yesterday, while you were, looking for Nathan..." She smirks at me and then winks. "I did a little bit of training, then I decided to explore near the town. After probably an hour or two of just wandering, I just found this." "Interesting. Is that a hot spring?" "Yep! With a waterfall and everything! I decorated it a little and also brought a few supplies, so now it's kinda like a small spa." "That is so cool! Well, let's get in then!"

We take off our clothes and wrap towels around our bodies. We get in the hot spring and just relax in silent bliss. After a few minutes the silence is interrupted. Ash looks at me and says, "Sooo, you and Nathan huh." I look at her and get a little bit nervous. "What about us?" "I know." "Know, what?" "I know about your little 'date' yesterday." "H - How did you know?" She facepalms and starts laughing. "Duh! Cuz I was in on it!"

"W - What?!" "Yep. Well, more like, I was in on it, but it wasn't all my idea." "What do you mean by that?" "Well... Nathan came to me asking for advice. He told me how much he likes you and he wanted to tell you, but was unsure how to do that." "O - Okay. And, what did you tell him exactly?" "I just told him to be honest, that's all really. He suddenly got a 'brilliant idea' for the date and asked me to help. That is when I purposely told you to go look for him in the field, cuz I knew the whole time where he was."

"Oh! Wow! I see." "Yeah, soo... What exactly happened on the date? Come on girl, details, details!" "Alright, alright! Well..." I blush a bit and smile. I start telling her everything, since she is like, my best friend, almost like a sister. Every now and then she asks me some questions, but mostly listens carefully to every word I say.

*30 minutes later*

"Oh! My! Gosh! That is so cute! So, did he, you know, ask you to be his girlfriend?" Suddenly my smile drops a bit and I answer, "N - No." "WHAT?! Are you for real?!" I nod yes and quickly say, "B - But that's because we were interrupted by like 10 zombies surrounding us. We took care of them easily, but, yeah. I think he was about to though, but, I don't know."

"I see. Well, I'm sure he still will, because man! He sure sounded completely head over heels for you when he told me how he felt about you!" "He did?" "Yeah! I bet he's gonna ask you to be his the second we get back home!" "Yeah, sure." For some reason I feel a bit doubtful of that statement.

We get out of the hot spring and put our clothes back on. While doing that, I hear something nearby in a tree. I look over to where I heard it. It's just a bird. I sigh in relief. I thought for a second that we were being watched, but obviously not. We finish packing up and start walking home.

'I kinda hope Ash is right about Nathan wanting to ask me to be his girlfriend. But, why do I still get this weird feeling that we are being watched by something, or someone?'

Hey y'all! I know this part was kinda short and that's because I had a bit of a writer's block trying to write this one. But I still got the cliffhanger in, I think...

Just wanna let you guys know in advance that updates will be getting less frequent from now on. The reason for that is because school starts next week and I still have a lot to do for it and it's gonna be rough once I'm actually back at school. My school work needs a LOT, and I mean A LOT of attention, so yeah...

I'll TRY to upload as much as possible, but I can't promise anything. If I have to, I'll put this book on hold, but I'll try not to. The story definitely won't stop, it'll just be A LOT slower. I could try uploading once every 1 or 2 weeks, but I'll have to see how busy I am with school.

So all I'm asking is that you guys have just a little bit of patience plzz...

Well, that's all for now. Just wanted to shine some light on that topic, so yeah. I'll see you guys in the next one then, not sure when it's gonna be though... Anyways, enough of that!

Later fam!😉

A love story with Nathaboulous [DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now