3 - His father

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We hear the door open and a mysterious voice starts yelling angrily, "Nathaboulous!"


A man walks into the room. He looks a lot like Nathan, except he has red eyes, which are honestly a little bit terrifying. 'It must be his father or something.' I think to myself. He looks over at me and Ash and yells, "Who are you and what is your business here?!" Ash lets out a squeek and looks away not saying anything.

I try to answer him, but stutter. "I - I, w - we, we're friends of his and we helped him get here after he was attacked, sir. M - My name is-" I get interrupted by the man yelling at us again. "I could care less about what your names are! Now, you listen here. Nathan doesn't have friends, nor will he ever have any.

"F - father-" "You just shut your mouth! You have no say in this! And you two! You two better leave right now, before I make you leave." I am now officially terrified. "Y - Yes sir!" Ash and I both say in unison. We start walking towards the open door. I quickly look back and see Nathan's face, tears welling up in his eyes, making me want to tear up as well. Both Ash and I go out the door and down the step.

The door slams shut, really hard, making us both gasp and jump in fear. We stand still for a moment, trying to process what just happened. I look at Ash and break the silence. "So, uhm, I guess this is goodbye." "W - What do you mean?" Her face turns sad in an instant. "I'm being forced to move away, but I don't know why." "Oh, I see... Will we ever see each other again MC?" "I - I, I don't know Ash. Maybe someday, but for now, we'll just have to go our separate ways. I'm glad I was able to have a friend like you, even though it was only for a little while." "Me too MC, me too."

Tears start to form in both our eyes. We hug each other tightly, trying to hold back tears, but failing miserably. We let go of each other and she says, "Goodbye MC, I'll miss you." "Yeah, me too Ash. Goodbye." Nathan's dad randomly steps out of the house. He glares at us in an almost threatening manner. He looks back and forth at me and Ash, obviously trying to get us to leave. I wipe the tears from the side of my face as Ash walks away. Nathan's dad returns to the house and closes the door behind him.

Ash turns around to wave goodbye, which I gladly return by waving back. I turn around and take my first step home. A loud voice stops me dead in my tracks. 'It's coming from Nathan's place! Is he and his dad fighting or something? No! I shouldn't intervene. It's their problem, not mine!' I sigh and push the feeling aside. I start walking home, leaving everything behind as is.

~Nathan's POV~
Tears stream down my face as I hear the girls exchanging what sounds like their last goodbyes. My dad comes back inside and glares at me. I look away from him in anger and sadness. "Nathaboulous! What did I say about meeting people?! You are not like the rest. You are a dangerous and powerful weapon, yet still so weak and pathetic. Until you learn how to use and control your power, you will not set foot outside of this house. Understand?!" "Y - Yes." I say under my breath. "What was that?!" "Yes sir!" "Good. Now get to bed, it's already late." Finally my dad leaves. I sob quietly as I think of MC and Ash. The only friends I had, gone. After an hour I slowly drift off to sleep, realising I just cried myself to sleep. I dream of my friends, especially MC. 'I - I think I like her. I can't though. She's leaving, probably forever. Maybe someday I'll see her again, but I doubt it.' I push those feelings aside and try to sleep.

I finally get home. All the boxes are still there and the moving van is outside. I finish helping my parents load the boxes onto the van, seeing as we don't have a lot of stuff anyways. After two hours of packing we get in our car and start driving, the moving van following closely behind us. I fall asleep almost instantly, dreaming of Nathan and Ash, but mostly Nathan. For a second I smile just thinking of him. 'Do I, like him? It doesn't matter though. I probably won't ever see him again anyways.' I shake the feeling off and drift off to sleep in the car and try to think of what the future holds.

I guess life will be as normal as it can possibly get, right? At least for a ten year old...

Well alright then... There ya go. I hope you guys enjoyed that and let me know what you guys think of the story so far.

Also for you guys that do celebrate it, Happy Human Rights Day! See you guys tomorrow then.

Later fam!😉

A love story with Nathaboulous [DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now