6 - His past

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I close my eyes, fearing for what is yet to happen...


I keep my eyes closed and I feel myself still holding onto Nathan's hand. Suddenly, everything goes quiet. I'm too scared to open my eyes, until I hear a voice, almost in a whisper. "It's okay. You can open your eyes now. We're safe." I slowly open my eyes, almost regretting it as the bright sunlight beams down on me. After a moment I open my eyes completely. The first thing I see is a familiar face standing closely in front of me, their green eyes staring into mine.

It's Nathan. My face heats up from him being this close to my face. I try to hide it and ask, "W - What happened?" Nathan keeps looking at me and answers, "I teleported us away, out of danger." "B - But h - how, how did you..." "It's one of my, 'powers'. I learned a while back how to control it, sorta." "Sorta?" "Yeah, I'm not entirely sure where we went to exactly, but don't worry, we'll figure it out." "O - Oh, okay. We can't be too far away, right?" "Uhm, yeah. Yeah!" 'Oh great.' I thought to myself.

"Hey, lovebirds! Get over here and take a look at this!" Ash yells at me and Nathan from a nearby hill. Nathan and I both blush a crimson red as we walk towards where Ash is standing. I stand next to her and punch her slightly in her side with my elbow. "Ow." Nathan follows and stands next to me. I look over at him and he just smiles at me. I smile back weakly. I look over at Ash and ask, "What's up Ash?"

"Look." She points in the direction of whatever it is she sees. I look over and see it as well. "What is that place?" "I honestly have no idea whatsoever, you?" "Not a clue. What do you think that is Nathan?" I look over and he's gone. "Nathan? Nathan!" I call out to him. Nothing. Ash calls out as well. "Nathan! Where'd he go?"

I look down the hill. "There!" I see him walking towards the strange area slowly, almost in a trance like state. I start running down the hill, trying to catch up to him. "Hey! Wait up!" I hear Ash yelling from behind me. I finally catch up to Nathan and grab his hand, making him stop walking. He just looks down not saying anything.

"Are you okay?" He nods yes. "Do you know what this place is?" He nods yes again. "Do, you wanna talk about it?" "S - Sure." He answers hesitantly. I pull his hand slightly, leading him to a nearby tree. The three of us sit down under the tree in silence. I look at Nathan and say calmly, "Whenever you're ready. No pressure."

He nods and takes a deep breath. "I know this place. A bit too well... This, is where I used to come every day years ago, to train. After you two left that day, my father forced me to train for long periods of time. I trained my powers and my strength. The weirdest thing is, that my powers never exactly showed until I turned 10. It was never major, but my dad tried to get me to keep them in check at an early stage. I was basically thrown into a room to focus my power's energy, with my dad watching my every move. I was also home schooled, so I never had any friends. If I tried to leave early or talk to someone, my dad would, hit me. He kicked and punched me if he was really angry at me or at something else. I - I..."

He stops and a tear rolls down his cheek. I take his hands and say, "It's okay, you don't have to continue if it upsets you too much." "She's right. We won't judge or anything." Ash says as well. "N - No, it's fine. You guys have to know this, but, thanks."

He wipes the tears away and continues, "Anyways... This kept going for quite some time, until, something happened... I was in the same room 5 years ago, shortly after I turned 18. How this power of mine works, when I turned 18, it had a sudden boost of energy, causing it to be stronger and more powerful than before. I was struggling with one of my more offensive abilities, and my dad got frustrated with me. He stormed into the room, about to rush over to me to hit me again and call me 'a pathetic weakling' for the millionth time. I got scared and got a tingly feeling. Out of nowhere, a green light flashed in front of me, kinda like before, but with a much bigger burst of energy. I heard my dad screaming, not in anger though, but in pain. I was teleported almost right outside the building. I turned around. The small building was collapsing in on itself and there were green flames everywhere. I ran back to the ruins and tried to find my father. I found him, crushed beneath the rubble and fire around him, blood coming from his face and mouth. He coughed once and said to me, 'you were meant for more than this, but you're still so pathetic.' You know what's funny, I barely even cried when he said that and took his last breath. I just left him there and ran. I ran for what felt like days. The only thought that crossed my mind at that time was how much I really hated my father."

He goes silent. Ash looks shocked and stays quiet. I look at him and say, "Wow Nathan I'm so sorry. W - What happened after that?"

"Well, after I tried to process it all a bit, I came back. That was about 6 months later. Almost everything stayed the same. That building was still in shambles, nobody bothered to take it down or rebuild it. My old house was also still there, so I lived there. I still went back to the building to train, but this time, at my own pace and without anyone to yell at me or abuse me if I struggled. I gotta admit, I actually got pretty good at controlling my power. I continued to train on my own until this day. I also went to that field every day to clear my mind, because it reminded me of you guys, especially you MC."

Ash puts a wide grin on her face and I just blush a bright red. Nathan puts on a weak smile and says, "So yeah, that's what happened." I say, "Well I'm glad you told us." "Me too. Even with all that, we'll still be your friends." "R - Right!" He puts on a bigger smile and responds, "Thanks girls, I really appreciate that." We all come together for a group hug.

We let go after a moment and Nathan suddenly says, "Oh, I've got a brilliant idea you guys! What, if, we all train together?" Ash and I both look confused. "How?" We both say in unison. "Like, I can continue training my powers, and you two can spar against each other and me."

I get excited and say, "That's an awesome plan! You're a genius Nathan!" He pats himself on the back and says jokingly, "Well, I have been known to have some good ideas from time to time, if I do say so myself." We all laugh out loud.

I guess things are back to normal, for now.

YEEAAAHHH BOOIII! Heck yeah, long chapter! Up top for that👋!

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed that one and again sorry for not uploading yesterday. I was feeling kinda tired and down yesterday, but I'm guchi now. See y'all again tomorrow.

Later fam!😉

A love story with Nathaboulous [DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now