5 - Escaping death once

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We simultaneously nod at each other and raise our iron swords, ready to attack the approaching enemies...


Zombies, one in front of each one of us. They may just be normal zombies, but they could still be dangerous. They start charging at us at the same time. I jump forward and stab my zombie in the chest. Ash does the same thing with hers, but stabbing hers in the stomach. Nathan follows after her, slicing his zombie across the chest. The zombies fall over, 'dead'. The three of us back up, our backs against each other. We look at each other to make sure we're all fine.

"Well, well, well. I see you survived my last attack Nathaboulous. Not this time though." A deep, mysterious voice says. We look around and see a figure. 'He looks familiar. Is that... No, it can't be!' I think to myself, shocked to the core. He starts flying upwards until he is hovering way higher than us. We look at him, almost in fear. "It was you! You attacked Nathan all those years ago!" I yell at the figure in pure rage. "Of course. Can't have this kind of power becoming a threat to my future plans." The figure said, almost taunting us in some way.

"What are you even talking about?" Ash chimes in, sounding awfully confused. "Oh, this is rich! Clearly he's not a very good friend if he didn't even have the guts to tell you two his deep dark secret." The figure now sounds amused and laughs maniacally, which is honestly annoying. I look over at Nathan. He looks at me then down at the grass in shame.

I gently take his hand and he looks up at me a bit surprised. I give him a look that says 'it's okay'. He nods at me and holds onto my hand, us both looking back at the figure. The figure stops laughing and says, "Enough of that. Now, time to destroy you all!" Out of nowhere, he summons four iron swords which hover around him. With one swift flick of the wrist, he makes the swords fly in our direction.

One by one we each dodge one of the swords, hitting them away with our swords. Nathan and I still hold onto each other's hands. The last one though, comes flying towards Nathan, ready to stab him in the face with a fatal blow. Before having any time at all to stop it, Nathan drops his sword and grabs hold of Ash's hand as well.

"Hold on!" He yells and all we see is a bright green light flashing all around us.

I close my eyes, fearing for what is yet to happen...

Woah! Okay then... Anyways, sorry this one was kinda short, I ALMOST had writer's block doing this one lol.😅

This part will probably be the last one that is somewhat related to the videos I mentioned in the other parts, so yeah.

I'll probably upload tomorrow, but I'm not sure, so if I don't, sorry.

Well then, enough rambling from me. See y'all either tomorrow or the day after.

Later fam!😉

A love story with Nathaboulous [DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now