2 - The trio

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I gasp when I see why...


A blade as green as emeralds piercing his shoulder, dangerously close to his heart. He faints from blood loss. I kneel down in front of him as a puddle of blood forms around him, seeping through his clothes. I help him up, but it's a struggle.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a girl, about my age. She has black hair and ocean blue eyes. She peeks around the corner and almost immediately runs over to us, trying to help out. "Thanks." "You're welcome. What happened to him?" "I - I'm not sure! Quick! Let's get him to his house!" "Sure. You lead the way."

We both get Nathan to his house. We get him inside and lay him down on the bed. I start to panic and pace around the small room. "Oh no oh no oh no, what do we do?" "Calm down, I got this. Don't worry." She slowly pulls the blade out of Nathan's shoulder and puts it on the table away from the bed. She then puts a wet cloth on the wound. "My mom's a nurse, so she taught me a few things." Oh, I see."

Soon his breathing calms down and he falls asleep. I calm down as well and talk a bit to the other girl. "I'm so sorry, my name is MC. You?" "Oh it's okay. My name's Ashley, but call me Ash." "Nice to meet you!" "Same. So, what happened?"

"Well... Nathan and I were just playing hide and seek in town. I found him, kind of, and we just talked afterwards. Next second a blue-ish figure ran past us. I was looking at it, not even noticing him shoving the blade through Nathan's shoulder. Next thing I knew, Nathan fainted, then he started bleeding. I tried to help him up, and then you showed up. The rest you obviously know."

"I see. I'm sorry to hear that." "It's okay. I'm just glad he's okay now." "Me too." So we talk a bit more and eventually become friends. While talking, we look over at Nathan and see that he is already sitting up.

"Nathan! You're okay!" I couldn't control myself and I give him a gentle hug, being wary of his injury. "What, happened?" He asks. I look at him and tell him everything. "Oh. I see." I also introduce him to Ash. They seem to be getting along pretty well already.

Nathan often winces in pain when he tries to move. Ash quickly says, "Woah dude, stay still. You need your rest. Remember, that wound is dangerously close to your heart, so you need to take it easy." "Yes doctor." Nathan responds jokingly. We all laugh at his joke. For some time we continue talking and laughing and get to know each other.

Suddenly Nathan looks at us seriously and says, "Listen, girls. I don't want to be rude or anything, but, you guys should leave soon..." "But, why?" We both say in unison. "B - Because... Uhm..." We hear the door open and a mysterious voice starts yelling angrily, "Nathaboulous!"

Another cliffhanger? Why not? Who was the mystery voice? Let me know...

ALSO I know this part and the previous part is basically ZNathanStudioZ's old "Love Story" series, as you can see from the added pictures at the top, but I needed a starting point to kickstart my own 'more planned out' story version, so I put some of the videos into my own words and wrote it. The next 1 or 2 parts of the story will also consist of scenes from his videos, but everything will still basically be in my own words and such. Thought I'd just put that out there...

Next part coming tomorrow. I'll try to keep this story going daily, but I can't fully promise that... So I'll see you guys in the next one.

Later fam!😉

A love story with Nathaboulous [DISCONTINUED!]Where stories live. Discover now