Tag #1

60 11 55

So this tag was originally posted by Oceane_Breeze in February but I'm still going to answer the questions. I will be placing all the questions along with my answers because I'm too lazy to upload a picture of the questions only. Also, I forget what they are since I have the memory of an 80-year-old man with Alzheimer's. Anyways, here we go.

1. Name

My pen name that I have used since being on here is Eduardo Lopez. Lopez is the last name of a favorite poet/actor of my mom from long ago. And Eduardo is the name of a soccer player I think. Don't really remember, haha.

2. Height.

5'10". Yes, I'm pathetically short.

3. Weight.

135 lbs. I still got some jelly-belly fat which I is why I'm going to the gym now.

4. Age.


5. Birthday.

December 5, but I don't celebrate birthdays so......

6. Girl BFF.

In real life, I have about three or four. On Wattpad that would be SN_Supernova

7. Guy BFF

In real life, about three or so including my cousin who used to be on Wattpad. Not many guys on Wattpad though..... *sobs

8. Crush

Hey, I don't kiss and tell! Besides, I've never kissed a girl before. Haven't even dated, or held hands with a girl either. Waiting for the right one. The one I'll marry.

9. Ever fall in love

I've liked lots of girls before.......but I may actually have fallen in love recently *giggles*

10. Favorite food

Grilled salmon with bell peppers, onion and brown rice and steamed vegetables.

11. Last text

Asking my friend (the one I'm in love with) what advice she could give me on alternatives to cardio exercises.

12. Battery percentage


13. Eye color


14. Addiction


15. Favorite song

"One Love" by The Carpenters. Or anything by the Carpenters. I love romance, lol!

16. Favorite animal


17. Favorite color


18. Shoe size


19. Sing in the shower.

No, but I act out my stories and ideas for roleplays.

20. One wish.

Erasing all the mistakes and sins of my past

21. Best time in my life

When I got baptized and dedicated my life to God forever. I was ten.

22. Country.

Amarkia. Haha, I wish. Nah, I'm in the USA

23. Pets.

Three. Two dogs and a cat. Pictures of them will come later.

24. Plan on getting married.

Heck, yeah!!!

25. Favorite subject


26. First kiss

Hasn't happened yet.

27. Insecure

Oh YES!!!

28. Ever self-harmed

Emotionally yes. I make myself the victim a lot

29. Who you love

Friends, family, God, and all 8 million fellow worshippers around the world.

30. Miss anyone

UnderTheBlueSkies @twistedhatter-  but also the girl I'm in love with since we live on opposite sides of the country

31. Hair color

Black. Yeah, I'm pretty boring physically.

32. Relationship status


33. Last song I heard

"I will always love you" by Whitney Houston

34. Biggest fear

Losing God's approval

35. Believe in ghosts?

Well, demons or wicked angels pretend to be dead people so that people belive in the paranormal instead of God. So yeah, they can pretend to be ghosts but that's the work of Satan's wicked angels

36. Something you hate

When the world/society/people mock God and deliberately break his morals just to provoke him

37. Favorite TV show

Family Matters (non-documentary

Walking with Dinosaurs and Planet Dinosaur (documentary)

38. Favorite Movie

Everything Jurassic Park/World, Hunger Games, Star Wars, and the MCU. And the X-men movies

39. Favorite book.


40. Favorite food

Already answered. See question 10

41. Jealous of

certain scifi authors here on Wattpad (one of a zombie romance trilogy and the other of a scifi-romance set in Mars who are five times as famous as me and but they've only been here for about a year while I've been on for more than three) and every single boy band and male singer/celebrity that girls drool over.

42. Star sign

Don't know. I believe that God doesn't approve of astrology

43. Middle name

Oh no you don't!

44. Worst habit

Losing my temper/talking before thinking

45. Number of siblings

One....thank God it's only one

46. Name of siblings

Stay out of it!!

47. Sports I play

Not very good but.....soccer, volleyball, and a bit of swimming. Does hiking count?

48. Talents

Writing, getting people mad or hurt, being a bigmouth, being whiny or moping around feeling sorry for myself

49. Embarrassing moment

None actually

50. Future career choice

Web designer (with a side of Youtube gaming)

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