My Life #1

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Yesterday I went to Six Flags for the first time in my life! All my life I've been this boring, introvert, shy bookworm/geek/nerd who never had a sense of adventure or thrill. For me, thrills and adventure was always either watching a science-fiction blockbuster movie, or hiking through the forests of Yellowstone National Park. So yesterday I got out of my shell, and learned to outdo my expectations and personal limits to the breaking point.

Now let me go on the record of saying that I'm NOT afraid of amusement park rides. I don't fear falling off and cracking my skull because most likely it'll be an instant death. I'm not afraid of speed or flying off because it'll be quick and painless as well. And to be honest, Six Flags has a pretty good record in regards to safety. If it didn't, I would never have gone no matter what. Not even that horrible story a teacher back in elementary school once told me about going on the Titan deterred me.

Quickly, I'll tell you the story.

So this was a special ed teacher and she took care of watching after students with special needs like with Down Syndrome and other mental/physical conditions that require special attention. But once in a while she would come to assist normal teachers or subsitiute for them on field trips. And this is her story about the titan: so one time when she was a young woman in high school she says that she and her friends went to Six Flags. And she met this "cute" boy (And I put the word cute in quotation marks because that's just what she said, and I don't find any male attractive. I don't lean that way, lol!) Anyway, she developed an instant attraction for him and they started talking and hanging out and all that.

Well, they decided to go on the Titan.......bad idea on that particular day.

During the ride on one of the loops that came down close the ground she said she suddenly felt something on the side of her head. But of course, with all that rush of adrenaline nobody would ever notice anything. It wasn't until the ride stopped that she felt something trickling down onto her shoulder. When she inspected it, she saw she was bleeding profusely from her right ear.....which was torn off from her head and was dangling down by a thread of flesh.

Yeah, yeah, I know....stomach-churning.

As for the guy, his jaw was bruised and he too was bleeding.

Turns out that some dumb little kid decided it was a good idea to throw a razor-sharp rock at the ride while it passed on that downwards curve near the ground.

Well, she was taken to the hospital and she had her ear sowed back on. Without anesthesia or anything. So of course you can imagine the nightmare she went through. And the doctors told her that if she screamed or moved during the surgery they'd have to cut her ear off.

Well, she got through the surgery and stayed away from amusement parks forever.

And yet, no even THAT terrifying story was enough to deter me from going yesterday.

And why?

Well, because......

I'm in love.

And love makes you do crazy things.

So there's this girl from out-of-state whom I met while on vacation last July. And as cliche as it sounds.....I immediately felt a powerful attraction to her from the moment I first saw her. She has long straight brown hair, beautiful green-gray eyes, her skin tone is pink-brown and her smile is enough to melt frozen stone.

I became so smitten like never before in my life with any other girl! We spent a lot of time when I was on vacation, and since then we've been in constant communication; we text a lot every day and occasionally talk on the phone to hear each other's voice. So of course I was so excited when I heard she and her family were coming here to visit! So I crushed down all my fears and accompanied her, her dad, two other of my female friends (one of whom constantly teases me about my feelings), and another family.

We went on several different rides, and I experienced rush and thrills like never before! Sure it got a little hot, the lines were long, and it took like an hour for me to buy an $89 daily pass but it was worth it! I went every ride they did, no matter how scary it looked. And you know? I enjoyed it! Too bad we had to leave early and didn't get to go on all the good ones.

But yeah, yesterday was an important day in which I reached a major milestone. And I got to spend an entire day with "her". We didn't just spend all our time screaming like banshees on the rides. We talked and hung out and got to know each other even better than we already do. And afterwards we went out to eat, and spend more time at a friend's mobile home.

All in all, it was a good day. I experimented many cool things for the first time, and I spent fourteen hours with the girl who's melted my heart and stolen it.......

*long sigh of being in love*

Sorry for being so mushy.

I can't help it!!!

I mean who knows.......maybe one day in the future......something could work out between us.....

Cause others, both her parents and non-family adults have hinted that she may feel the same way about me and that she's never treated another guy as kind and sweet as she treats me.

Guess that's good news then!

Well, I just wanted to share that with you guys. See you soon!

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