The Door Man, Jakob

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If there is a reader among us who is sensitive to rape, here is a warning to possibly skip this chapter.

*If yes, read bottom.


There was warm cotton swirling in my mouth. My eyes were closed, and the sensation of drowning panicked me. Jolting like lightning stirred me and I woke up to find myself stuck to the floor in my own blood. I was on my side, the right half of my head lying in the pool. Groggy, I pushed myself weakly to my hands and knees.

The kidnappers were still here. Five of them.

"What a shame; we were just beginning to like your beautiful mouth, missus." Said the ugly one. My mind said Jakob that was his name. He was familiar because he was the doorman at the hotel . . .he stalked me and grabbed me when I was alone and Brian wasn't there to . . .


I opened my mouth to scream at them. Warm blood rivered out of my mouth. It splashed against my chest, leaking down my clothes, feeling like warm sap was dumped on me. I bent over, hands on knees, sputtering and coughing. The floor was flecked with splatters almost three feet in diameter.

I could'nt believe the sicko.

He came up from behind, his hands went onto the sides of my thighs. I was still bent over, helplessly choking. I felt the hard bulge of his penis tucked inside his jeans, he bounced it sarcastically on and off my ass. His comrades laughed, pointing. I was in jeans and a modest sweater. That must've pissed him off. He decided that there was enough joking, he wanted action. "Get over here." he said, cuffing my arm in his hand.

I reluctantly stumbled agiainst him as he lead me behind a corner in the warehouse. My guess was that this dark, broken down warehouse was once some kind of factory. There were conveyer belts and hoses and racks of boxes that made the whole place seem like a labyrinth. It was late at night, no light was in the windows that hung almost twenty feet from the ground, there was a single white moon that cast a blue gloom over us.

He pushed me onto my back on a coarse belt and lay ontop of me. I was dizzy and freezing cold, I couldn't keep my eyes open from the weakness. I wondered if I was dying. Blood wouldn't stop coming from my mouth, I tried to lick some back into my mouth and discovered it was impossible.

The bastards cut out my tongue.

Jakob overworked my already weak body for hours. He drew off my jeans and fought me for my panties. I fought to tighten myself and not allow him in, but the guy was 6'11" and nearly 300 pounds, he thrust his manhood far and painfully up into my vagina and pumped as angrily as he pleased. My hands were pinned over my head, any squirming I did was pointless and made me even more vulnerable to passing out.

  Teeth bit the bare skin that was exposed from my zipped-down sweater. My breasts throbbed from the ravage, but he continued to bite and slobber and sickeningly ate the blood off of them. I could tell he liked to torture me this way, he used his newly red tongue to paint spirals onto my cheeks in my own fluid. Eventually, his tongue invaded my parted lips and penis and tongue worked in a duo to slide in and out of me in synchronization.

 He pulled out, erection streaming cum onto my leg in the process, and sat up. I expected it to be over. He smiled, and decided he wanted to play another game. He shoved my legs open like a thanksgiving turkey and jammed his entire fist into me past his wrist. 

Writhing in pain, I would've spoken, but could only utter, "Agghh!" without use of a voice. Realizing then, that there wasn't a single tear in my eye. I remembered the promise...

The one to Brian. . .

I said to him that I wouldn't cry. And I didn't. I wasn't a victim. I was a survivor. I could be dead; this could be worse.


I lay there for almost an hour before Jakob decided he'd had enough, pulling out a final time and leaving me there. Another guy returned with the handcuffs again. Only this time, they linked around my ankle and to a metal bar attatched to the conveyer belt. I was left alone.

My heart slowed down, coldness sweeping through my body froze in my veins. I was naked from the waist down and my pants were on the floor out of reach. I had the invader's fluid on my leg and in my body, I was dirty. I shivered.

My mouth kept bleeding. I was sorry I had to do it, but I removed my shirt and stuffed it into the empty cage my teeth were and pressed it to the little stump where my tongue used to be. That was better. But now I was only in a bra, and colder than ever.

My eyes trailed the height of the warehouse and saw the ajar windows far above my head. I curled into a ball and let the moon weave dreams of many things into my mind. I wanted Brian to know that this wasn't his fault; but also, I wanted to go home. I wanted Illinois, the land of lincoln I wanted to see The Chicago skyline on Lake Michigan's beautiful blue waters.

More than anything, I just wish I had never let any of this happen.


 That was that. The next chapter will go more into familliar things, more about Manson and Madden.

If you are not familliar with Chicago, I certainly wish that you simply know that the city is the pride and joy of the nation. From the distance of a mile in the waters of Lake Michigan, you can see the city float on the purple mist and claim that you have seen modern heaven.

*If you have skipped parts of the chapter, you haven't missed a lot. Just a rape. Just know that however important my writing may be to me, it certainly may not be the same for you, and I'm deeply understanding of anyone's objection to what I write.     

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